Tuesday, January 18, 2011


On Klove, I was challenged to come up with a theme word for my life for the year 2011.  I've struggled with this...I've heard some great examples, and none of those seemed quite right for me.  I'm still praying over my theme word.  The point of this is to think of a word and pray it over your life each and everyday of this year. 

I've even thought of some words for my family.  For my husband, I thought the word 'leader' was good.  There's even a whole song about this on Klove-Lead Me by Sanctus Real.  I've been thinking of words for my kids, too.  And had some pretty good ones, but I can't remember them.  I wish I'd written them down.  Oh well, I'll keep thinking about them. 

I don't really believe in making new years' resolutions, but I do believe in doing things to better myself.  Especially spiritually...I crave more of my Jesus.  I want to be completely captivated by Him, and always mindful of the way I am acting.  I am aware that I have eyes that follow my every move...and I want to be an example. 

Well...these are just some thoughts this morning.  I have to run and wake up my kiddos.  Love to all!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your post from yesterday... sounds like a perfect day! Have you tried Oh My Ganache bakery in Collierville? She has great cupcakes, too. I do think Gigi's makes the best cupcakes but I really like Oh My Ganache, too. I actually like it better than Muddy's (and it's closer). Can you tell I love my cupcakes?! lol


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  Happy Monday, friends! This post is better late than never, right? I totally forgot to write this yesterday, and then the day got away fro...