You might see lots of weird things. Or hear them.
Like tonight, for instance. I'm sitting in the living room, watching a show on Disney I'd rather not talk about, listening to three of the brothers playing football on the Wii. I love them. And I love our life.
You might see me on a computer, looking at one of the many blogs I love to read. Currently, my favorite blog is a tie: a second grade teacher, or a military widow's. It's a close race. Either way...they're entirely opposite from each other, but both very interesting. If you want to check them out, you can scroll down on my blog and find them on the is Tater Tales (the teacher's) and the other one is Wades World.
You might witness the way that Andy gets nervous when the boys start playing rough. I don't know if he hates it or if he loves it, but either way, he gets really riled up and more than once, his gaping open (HUGE) mouth might have grazed a head or two. Then you would hear him starting to bark...and bark and bark and bark. I love him, too.
Tonight you would have noticed that I was upstairs for almost an entire hour, cutting three out of four boys' hair. I have become pretty good at it, too, if you don't mind my saying so. I even used scissors part of the time...not just the clippers. I have to stop here and say that I love me some clean cut little boys! They love it too...especially Graham, who has entirely way too much hair for a boy!!
You would see how I am not Wonder Woman, and tonight when I didn't feel good for dinner, I became a (very) short order cook. Five people ate five different things. But that was way faster than actually planning and cooking a meal. That will come tomorrow, when I actually make a yummy (crock pot) meal. :) I'm already excited about it.
You would see my addiction for Veggie Straws. I blame my mother-in-love completely for this one. She is the one who got me hooked on them-I ate an entire bag of them (from Costco, mostly by myself) in three days. I know...I'm ashamed.
You would see that sometimes we do our homework at night...but sometimes we do it in the morning, when our brains are a lot less fried. Sometimes spelling words don't get called out until we're in the car line at school. And sometimes I forget all together. I guess it's a good thing that our teachers are good teachers, and they all do a great job at making sure the words are well known by Thursday.
You would see that my husband is a really sweet case you didn't know it already. He's the most selfless person I know. He's constantly helping people...either with a car mechanical problem, or someone that's stranded on the side of the road. He is always putting others ahead of himself...and honestly, we could all learn a lesson or two from him. So many times I've been humbled by the way he reaches out to others. You won't ever him give some fancy speech, you probably won't hear him even pray out loud (he hates being in the spotlight), but you will always see him loving people by helping them.
Well...this is all I have time for. Speaking of the man...he just walked in. Love to all.
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a few random things on a Tuesday
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