Friday, January 14, 2011

Challenge...Are You Up For It?

Does anyone want to join me in Scripture memorization for 2011??  Our God has given us His word, alive and sharper than a double-edged sword, our instruction Book.  I, for one, would love to have a plethora of verses pop into my mind anytime I need them.  This is something that Beth Moore started doing on her blog 2 years ago, and I didn't participate then.  So, first off, that's where the idea came from.  In case you're ever interested, here's the link to her blog:

Anyway, it's very simple.  You pick two verses to memorize every month.  One on the first and one on the 15th.  You can pick your very own verses, or you can go along with what Beth memorizes.  (And, in case you didn't know, she is my all time favorite Bible teacher.)  I gave you the link to her blog so you can read which one she's going to do. 

This morning, I did 3 things to help me along with my first verse.  (I'm joining late!)  I wrote my first verse in a brand new spiral notebook, I made a note on my phone and I made my own travel sized Scripture journal to take on the go with me.  Because there is something very valuable in writing it least for me.  With my Scripture journal, all I did was take colored note cards, punch a hole in the corner, write the verse out, then bind it with a ring.  I got all the supplies at a teacher learning store a long time ago, so I already had it all.  Do your own thing and make it unique to you, I just wanted to share what I did to help me along.

For my first verse, I went along with Beth.  It's taken from the NET Bible (and I still don't know what that is!!).  It's James 1:17.  "All generous giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or the slightest hint of change."

I would love to be accountable with you all!  I am praying that I am able to keep up with this.  I have been working up to this for a couple years and have done a few verses on my own, but maybe this time it will stick!!  Twenty-four verses in a year is awesome...and His word is alive and powerful.   

If you would like, we can also text each other and encourage one another along the way.  If you want and if you don't mind, email your number so we can do that.  You can reach me on my cell at 901-301-0067.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do through this!!  As Beth wrote a few days ago on her blog, God is raising up an army of women, over 8,000 strong, to go on this journey.  Let's see what He does through this! 

To Him be the glory!!

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