Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why I Go To Bed So Early

1.  Wake up-5:30-5:45 a.m.

2.  Make Graham's lunch, get his breakfast ready.  Usually oatmeal, muffins, or toast.  This morning it was microwaveable sausage biscuits.  Wake Graham up at 6:20, have breakfast and devotion.

3.  6:45-Sit down and check email and facebook.

4.  7:10-Graham leaves for school. 

5.  7:15-Start making breakfast for Drew, Jonah and Noah.  Usually cheese/cinnamon toast, sausage biscuits, or muffins.

6.  7:20-Wake up Drew, Jonah and Noah.

7.  7:30-Breakfast and devotion with them. 

8.  While they finish breakfast, start laundry.

9.  7:45-Go upstairs and get dressed.  And listen to extra kids arrive.  (Alex comes everyday, Ryan is Mon-Wed, Myles is only occasionally.)

10.  8:20  Kids are all dressed, leave for school.  This takes from 8:30 until 9:00 every morning.

11.  9:00-Come back home, finish laundry for the day, I sit down with another cup of coffee (usually the 3rd by now) and start my Bible study homework.  Currently I am doing David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore and it's ahhhhmazing!!

12.  10:00-Clean kitchen, start making Drew's, Jonah's, Noah's and my lunches.  Mine usually consists of a drink. 

13.  10:45-Leave for work.

14.  2:15-Home from work.  Sit down and check email.  Get caught up on all my DVR shows.

15.  3:20-Graham gets home, ten minutes later, we leave to pick up the other boys.

16.  4:10-Get home from dropping off extra kid(s), start looking through folders and backpacks while the boys unpack their lunches from the day.

17.  4:30-Start on dinner. 

18.  6:30-Dinner has been eaten, kitchen is clean, homework is complete, I go upstairs and change into pj's!!!

19.  Kids usually play outside until about 7:00 and they come in and take showers.  We usually watch a movie or they get caught up on their DVR shows.

20.  9:00-Prayers have been said, boys go to bed.

21.  9:30-Most nights, Mom joins them upstairs, but in HER bed. 

Repeat and start all over almost exactly 8 hours later. 


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