Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a rainy day

Tonight is my favorite kind of night.  It's rainy and cold, so it was the perfect excuse to come home and get into my fleece pj's!  We're talking 4:45, here.  Yup.  I also had the makings for potato soup going by then.


I told you, it's my favorite kind of night!  Todd came home exhausted and headache-y.  And proceeded to go straight to bed.  In case you didn't know, Todd got ahold of 4 free tickets to last night's University of Memphis marathon game.  That started at 11p.m.  He went with Graham, Drew, and his dad.  We figured we'd just check them in late the next morning.  But at 10:30, they were still snoozing, so I decided to let them play hooky.  Because we never do that, and because every once in a while...everyone deserves a special treat.  Especially after not getting home until 3a.m.


So...I've had some thoughts rambling around in my little brain, and I thought I would be so kind as to share.

Also, I don't know what else to write about.

Unless you want to hear my newest Bible study, and I'll probably talk about that anyway.


~Today it hit me that Thanksgiving is next week.  Wha?????  Where did this year go?
~I love kid shows, and I am proud to admit it.  Many days when the kids get home, I've already caught up on the ones I like.  Can we say, Hannah Montana Forever??  Anyone???
~I have found a new hobby.  Painting.  Well...I guess you can't call it a hobby if you don't have supplies to support it, but here's hoping.
~I am so thankful for a God that I can pray to...that I can sing praise to...and that allows me to love only as He loves.  I'm also thankful for the songs of praise He puts in my heart.  If you ever hear me humming...that's why.
~I love Sarah Palin...I did before, but now I do even more, thanks to her 8 week show on TLC. 

Well.  Speaking of...my kids are watching Sarah Palin's Alaska, and I'm going to join them.  And, that was all that I could think of.

Love to all. 

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