Monday, November 29, 2010

Never Take For Granted...

The gift of life.  It is fleeting.  Each day should be lived as if it were possibly our last.  Today has been a very sad day in my house.  My niece is in the hospital with health problems right now, and my stepdad's nephew was killed in a car accident this morning.

Life is short.

Twice in the past three or four weeks, lives that were too young to be taken, were taken.  I don't know why this's not our job to know why, but we do have the assurance that God always works in some huge way as a result of tragedy.  I am thanking Him that my precious niece is able to get the help she needs.  I am thankful that God carries us through trials when we can't walk on our own.

I love the song by Casting Crowns, I Will Praise You in the Storm.  I will praise Him in the storm.  And trust that He's got the situation in His hands.

Life is too short to get caught up in the little mundane things we all get caught up in.  All the dumb little things we worry they really matter in the grand scheme of life?  Do they make a difference in how our eternity is spent?


I am thankful that I have little reminders to appreciate all that I have.  Not wealth or stuff, but health.  The gift of LIFE.  I am thankful for a husband who comes home every single night.  I am thankful for a house full of kids who love the Lord and who know where their eternal home is.  I am thankful that should I take my last breath here on earth right this second, that I have the assurance of waking up in the arms of my sweet Jesus.

Do you have that assurance?

Are you taking for granted the gift of life?

Take some time and evaluate your life.  Are you living to the best of your ability, the life that God wants you to live?  Are you living your life in a way that glorifies Him?  Are you displaying the fruits of the Spirit that He calls us to show to others?  If there is a doubt...then take the time to pray just that.  I know I am.

1 comment:

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