Monday, November 29, 2010

My Beliefs

Why am I the way I am? 
Why is my family so different than other families? 
Why do we raise our kids with structure and order and discipline?

Let me let you in on some of my secrets.

I believe that God is a merciful, loving God.  I believe that He sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for MY (and yours) sins.  And by acknowledging Him and asking Him for forgiveness and for Him to come into my heart, then I know without a shadow of a doubt that my home is with Him in Heaven when my last breath on earth has been breathed. 

I believe that God cares for me...and for every little detail of my life.  Which is why this afternoon when faced with an "issue" out of one of my kids, I was able to pray with him (my kid) about the incident.  I also thanked Him (my God) for guiding me...and for giving me exactly the words to say to this child of mine. 

I believe that life as a Christian should be lived to all that He intended (John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.").  Enjoy your life!  Enjoy your spouse...enjoy your kids!  Neglect the mundane chores every once in a while and let loose with them.  It shows them you're human...and fun. 

I believe that children learn only be example.  Do you often see bad behavior in kids?  If not, observe some in a park.  And when you see that behavior, take a look at the parentals.  

I believe that the Golden Rule is so much more than what we were taught in school.  It's God's word!  "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."  Matthew 7:12  TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED.  Once again, if you are a parent, watch how you treat others!!!  Your kids little eyes are watching! And they just might treat YOU in that same, non-respectful way someday!

I believe that families are unique...and ours is definitely that way!  We are very selfish with how we spend our time, and with how much (little) we're away from our kids.  Sure, we go out on special occasions.  But we don't often drop our kids off husband and I totally agree on this view, and for us it works.  Even though I realize that for most other people it doesn't work that way.  And for the often do you remember your parents going out when you were younger?  Probably not much. 

I believe that consistency is the key to lots and lots of things!!!  Marriage, raising kids, coaching sports teams.  Ask my hubs...he will agree 100%!  Especially in the coaching department...but that's a whole 'nother blog. 

I believe that we should make the most of what God has blessed us with.  He's blessed my hubby with a strong work ethic...and that man works, I tell you.  He is the least lazy man I know.  Even less lazy than my dad.  Which is saying a LOT.  Working is good for you...whether it's in your home as the mom (or dad), or outside your home.  I am thankful God provided me a job when I wasn't looking for one.  It's gotten us through some very dry spells, and for God's provision...I am thankful. 

I believe that the MOST important decision you make each and every day is your attitude.  Spoken by Dr. Tom Lindberg, himself.  A.k.a. our pastor.  Am I always in a hunky dory mood?  Of course not.  But do I talk much on those days?  Nope.  I won't make phone calls, I won't chat with people at work, I will keep very quietly to myself.  And sometimes I do talk....and then I'm sorry for what I said.  I try and pray my way through those kinds of days.  Which come every three weeks or so.  :)

I believe that I'd better stop here...before I further offend anyone. 

*Disclaimer:  This is my blog, therefore the thoughts and opinions written are exclusively mine.  I am not condemning anyone and I am most certainly not judging anyone for how they do things differently.  Just sayin'...this is what I believe...and why I am the way I am.  :) 

Love to all. 

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