Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where Do I Start???

Last weekend was so crazy that my head felt like it was spinning.  Saturday was a whirlwind day of:

sleeping in...well, 7:30
fixing a late breakfast
Todd doing husbandly projects around the outside of the house
the boys selling some junk toys
us doing a major overhaul on our garage, cleaning everything out and putting it all back nicely
Todd dropping off the rest of our yard sale items to Bibles For China
watching football and experiencing devastating heartbreak over Alabama's loss against South Carolina
having a cookout with good friends, then doing our annual pumpkin patch/hayride thing

And Sunday was spent at church.  In an awesome service both times. 

This week has been good, but weird.  Jonah had a stomach virus yesterday and stayed home with me.  :)  Graham finished a looming project.  Whew.  Drew's project was done a couple weeks ago, thank the Lord.  Now we have Jonah's and Noah's to look forward to.  It's not due until the 29th of this month, but it's complicated.  They have to make a model of a building in the Ville.  Ya know.  No biggie, right??

Except for when it's TIMES 2

Jonah was better today, but oddly, Noah had an ear issue.  ???  I took him to the doctor to discover it was TMJ.  Crazy, right?  He's been in pain a good portion of today.  Poor thing. 

I have to be a Mom for a minute and tell about how proud I am of my boys.  My sweet oldest son was a gem today and fixed my messed up windshield wiper for me today.  This was a proud moment after a great open house at the middle school last night, and really nice comments about him from all his teachers.  Whom he knows like the back of his hand already.  And whom he adores and vice verse.  In middle school, no less.  I know.  It's shocking. 

I was also honored to find out that all of the other boys are getting recognized at tomorrow night's PTA meeting.  Their annual read-a-thon is finished, and all 3 of them placed in the top 3 of their class.  Also, Drew and Jonah (and hopefully Noah!) are recipients of a new quarterly award called the Braggin' Dragon Award.  I am one proud mama.  :) 

Todd's working tonight, so it's just me and the doodlebops.  We had breakfast for dinner, and sweet rolls for dessert.  Yummmm.  :)  And now I'm typing this, watching Chopped in silence.  Ahhhh, blessed silence.  Nice after a long day.  Well, I'm going to go enjoy some more.  And them I'm going to go to bed.  Because I have another really good book waiting on me up there on my nightstand.


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