I think that's what it's called! I heard on KLove this morning that instead of calling today Hump Day, or Wacky Wednesday, to think of ways that God has wowed us in our lives. Wow God Wednesday. I love that. Has He wowed you, lately?
He wowed me last night. I went to bed at my usual time of 9:00 and read until I started to fall asleep at 9:30. And then, wouldn't you know it, I tossed and turned for the next 2 hours. I finally sat up at l1:30 and prayed a desperate, "Lord, please bring me rest tonight." Well, He did. I didn't MOVE until my alarm went off at 5:00. I desperately needed sleep to fight off whatever I am trying to come down with. And He provided it.
Someone called in on KLove saying that her and her husband were farmers. They discovered that they had army worms all throughout their yard and their pasture. Left alone, those nasty little creatures destroy grass and crops. They couldn't afford the chemicals to kill them, so the lady sent up a desperate, "Lord, just send me a huge flock of black birds to eat all these worms." And He did. Thirty minutes later, she saw a small flock in her yard, and over the rest of the day, the flock grew and grew. They ate every single worm over the course of the next few days.
How awesome is God??? He cares so much about us. He cares about the big things. And the seemingly small things. He continually amazes me. He gives me words when words won't come to me. He gives me strength when I'm at my weakest. He carries me through times that are too difficult to walk. He continually puts a guard over my mouth. (Well...this one's a constant battle, and I am a work in progress.) He gives me understanding and knowledge as I complete day after day of Bible study homework. Because I know those answers didn't come from ME alone.
I pray that others see Him in me. I've been kind of down in the dumps lately, and I'm not really sure why. I think it started off with just a rough day, and it keeps escalating. I don't know if it's because I don't feel normal (sinus junk), or what...but I don't care for it. I am usually very positive, very uplifting, very happy. But lately, I've been feeling a little depleted. So yesterday I started praying that I would look to God to fill me, not others. It hasn't been 24 hours yet, but I know He is going to get me through this time. I know that the more time I spend with Him, the more He will fill my mind.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Wow God Wednesday. It really is a WOW kind of day. I've already had several other WOW moments this morning...but my eyelids need a rest before I head into the land of kids eating lunch.
Until next time, love on Jesus today. Receive the love He has for you today. I know I have.
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