Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why I Go To Church

There are lots of reasons, but here are my top ones. 

~To collectively worship with a group of believers is the most amazing thing ever.  Have you ever been to a Christian concert and worshiped among thousands?  It's the most unexplainable feeling ever, but let's just say that the presence of the Lord was felt all over me.  Hairs stood up on my arms. 

Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

~To fellowship with other believers.  It's very uplifting to be in a body of believers.  And let's face it: when you go through major trials in your life, you will find out very quickly who your true friends are.  I have to say that when we faced one of our worst times in life, when Todd was in the hospital for having a stomach tumor removed, all the friends that came to see him were the ones from church.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Maybe a God thing to show us who we should and should not spend our time with.

~To be connected with other believers!!  My Esther homework confirmed this one today.  Here is what Beth Moore says about this: "Disconnected people can never be whole.  Vulnerable and painful though it may be, a community of people whose lives are tied together by the tender strings of the heart is life the way God meant it to be lived." 

I am blessed to have such an amazing church family.  The more faithful in church you are, the more you see this for yourself.  The most amazing times in church usually happen on Sunday nights, when it's down to the truly devoted church goers.  I encourage you to find a church family to join.  As long as it's a Bible believing church, it's good.  If you don't have a church family, wanna join mine? 

What, really, do you have to lose?  Nothing at all.  You have everything to gain.  Love to all.

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