Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Again?

I can't believe a week has flown by.  Oh, wait a minute.  Yes I can.  I haven't had much time for the ol' blog, or for facebook.  Life is a little (a lot, maybe) crazy right now, but I think that this is just how it's going to be for the time being. 

I'll give you a little rundown.

I have Bible study on Monday nights.  We're still studying Esther, and I am very sad to say that we are almost finished.  It's been an amazing journey through the book, and I have learned a lot about myself and the way I work.  And the way Esther worked back then is very applicable for today's busy woman.  I'm already looking forward to our next study.  We're doing Daniel, some of us again, some of us for the first time.  I'll be doing it for the 2nd time, but I can't wait to go through it.  Four years have gone by since that first time, and I can't wait to compare today to what I wrote back then.  That study was a major turning point for me.  :)  I can't wait to dig back in to the history of the book. 

Anyway, back to my busy life.

Tuesdays (as of right now, at least) are soccer practice for Jonah and Noah.  They're playing (for the first time ever) for our church's league, and they LOVE it.  That just might be the biggest understatement of the year, by the way. 

As you all know, Wednesday night is church night.  The boys go to their respective classes, and I go to choir.  We are taking a neighborhood friend to church with us every week.  Tonight will be his third time to eat at the church and go with us.  He loves it, and my kids love having him with us.  Our sweet little friend also comes over every morning at 7:30, rides to school with us, and we pick him up after school and he stays with us until 5:30.  He is a joy, and for this period in our lives, the Lord has put him in our lives.  We love him.  :)

That only leaves Thursday-Sunday.  On these last 2 weeknights, we usually just hang around here.  I cook on these nights, and we get to eat without rushing.  We always eat as a family, but it's unrushed.  Well, on Thursday night.

I did forget that Friday night is soccer practice again.  But it's fun, and then we go do something together. 

Saturday night we go to my Mom's house, and then Sunday is spent at church most of the day. 

So there you have it.  And you see why I haven't written lately.  Plus, all last week, I was sick.  And on Saturday morning, I went on a girls' trip to NashVegas.  It was lots of fun.  We stayed in the Sheraton in downtown Nashville.  And that's all I'll say about THAT.  Just know that it was fun.

In between all the comings and goings of our family, I try to sneak in fun things for us to enjoy together.  For instance, yesterday morning at 8:10 my neighbor Beth comes into my house.  She told me to take all my kids up to the Target parking lot.  There was a huge helicopter called an air crane that was lifting huge A/C units onto the roof of the new Lowe's that's going up.  The air crane just went back and forth for about 30 minutes until all units were in position.  Oh my goodness.  That was the coolest thing I have ever seen.  And the boys were all screaming their heads off as they hung out my car windows, drooling all over themselves at the awesomeness.  It was a great way to start an otherwise boring and normal Tuesday morning.  I let Drew skip safety patrol for it.  Who knows when we'll ever see something like that again???  Some random man came up and took a picture of all the kids hanging out of my car.  It was definitely a sight to behold.

Even the hubs got in on the action.  He was there, too, and got to meet the pilots.  Fun was had by all. 

Well, it's 6:45 a.m., and I have to run to get Graham and another kid to CMS for See You At The Pole.  Graham's on the tech team, so he has to be there early.  I hope you all have a fantabulous Wednesday.  Love to all. 

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