Sunday, September 26, 2010

the things rattling around in my brain...

There are lots of them!  First and foremost is thankfulness.  It's been a very low-key, relaxing weekend.  Exactly what I needed to refresh after a busy week!  Friday night I enjoyed a solid 3 hours alone in my home.  It was amazing.  I ate my favorite thing for dinner (black beans and rice with pico de gallo to season it up) and watched Dear John. 

Insert big, happy, contented sigh HERE

Drew was at a friends' house, Jonah and Noah were at CFBC, at a kids' event, and Todd and Graham went to the Briarcrest football game.  Saturday was an amazing day in weather.  We started off early at a soccer game, which the Crusaders won 6-1, then went to my church's annual Cordova Fest.  We ate and walked around.  The kids jumped and climbed and ate some more, and a good time was had by all. 

We went to Mom's and Bill's for dinner.  Yummmmy.  Pork chops, black eyed peas, cabbage, cheesy potatoes, grilled squash, cornbread and banana pudding.  Mmmmmmmmm.  I was by myself with the boys plus 1 extra.  Imagine that.  It was Nate the Great.  He loves going to Nana's house with us.  He told us so.  :)  Todd was home watching the amazingly STRESSFUL Alabama/Arkansas game.  Because, heaven knows, he is not suitable for company during a game like that.  About that...ummmm?  Hello?  My little heart almost couldn't take it.  I couldn't watch it with Todd or without Todd.  We were happy when they pulled it off at the end, though. 

Whew.  At least there was no cheese-it's flinging goin' on in our living room.  Hello, Jessica???  Although Todd did say he was jumping up and down. 

Today we spent the day at church.  It was with very mixed emotions.  The worship was good all day, and tonight we had a great time of singing around the altar.  I love that time, it's precious, that we spend just soaking up all of God that we can.  I know this week will bring many worldly things, but I am thankful to have rest in my Jesus.  Amen? 

My sweet girl, Christa, spent her last Sunday in church with me.  Our music director had all the choir members gather around her and pray for her on stage tonight.  I was doing good until that prayer.  It was just so sweet.  I held her hand, and thanked God for bringing her the Godly man of her dreams.  I thanked Him her for the gift I've had of her friendship.  And I thanked Him that I love her enough to be able to peaceably let her move off to Springfield.  I cried, though.  I always cry when we pray together and tonight was no exception.  So today was spent with very mixed emotions.  Shoot, I'm crying now as I write this.  I will miss that girl with everything in me.  She has been such a God-send to me, and I will be sad to see her leave. 

I pray I don't make a complete fool of myself in her wedding next weekend.  With my crying, I mean.  I probably need to carry a hanky with me in my bouquet, just in case!  I can't wait to begin all the festivities, though.  I took Friday off work, because all of us bridesmaids are spending the day together.  We'll have rehearsal and the dinner that night, then her wedding is on Saturday.  I cannot wait to experience it all with her.  I already know that she is a gorgeous bride.  We got to see her in all her glory on Sunday last week in Nashville.  She had some bridal portraits done by a sweet friend that lives in Franklin. 

Well.  I need to get off this ol' computer and head to bed.  I'm praying that this week goes quickly!  I can't wait to start the rest of this month!  Have I ever mentioned that I love October???  I married my best friend on October 4th of 1996, and we are celebrating 14 years this year!  That is a long time to spend with someone!  I love him more with each day.  :)  And we'll be enjoying ourselves together next weekend. 

Well.  I'm going to leave you with some visual moments of fun I have had with my sweet friend.  :)


  1. That was so sweet, as always. I just saw a "Winner of Beautiful Blog" award. What's that all about?

  2. LOVE this post, I'm sad for you but I'm so happy for Christa!!!


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