As most of you know, my dog, Andy the Wonder Dog, loves to ride in the car with us. This morning he was loved enough to get to go with us two times! Graham had to be at school at 7:10, so that was the first time he rode with us. I've been seeing more and more lately, signs that he is aging. He has a hard time jumping up into the back of the suburban. I could totally see us buying one of those stair climber things for dogs who like to ride in cars but can't, due to age or arthritis.
The second time he rode with us was when I dropped off Drew, Jonah, Noah, and our neighbor, Alex. He was in doggy heaven. Except for when I turned on the back windshield wipers to clean the back window...I thought he was gonna have a stroke. Poor, nervous puppy dog.
Anyway, on to other things now. Today is D.E.A.R. day at the elementary school. Our annual read-a-thon kicked off last night with a book fair and P.T.A. meeting. D.E.A.R. stands for Drop Everything And Read. The football players are coming today to read to the kids while they're treated to popsicles outside in our grove area. The football players might as well be famous, they get so excited. It's really neat. I know they were all really excited about school this morning. Well, every morning, but especially this morning.
It's been a pretty good week. I am thrilled that we have gotten a major issue in 5th grade resolved. Things are turning around, and once again, Drew is excited about school everyday. He started safety patrol this week and other than feeling embarrassed, he said he likes it. ;) Silly Drew. I forget how "shy" he can be when he's not around people he knows. If you were a fly on the wall in our house, you would NEVER fall for the fact that he says he's shy.
Jonah and Noah are so excited about their first soccer game tomorrow. They have practice tonight, and will be getting part of their uniform. Part of a uniform is better than no uniform, right?? Anyway, they are ready for tomorrow. Jonah and Noah are alternating being goalie. Their coach was pretty impressed with their skills at being goalie. Jonah has been known to do a full body dive to block the ball. Imagine that. Him wanting to get dirty. He is DEFINITELY all boy.
Things have been pretty uneventful this week. It's been busy, but uneventful. I think this busy thing is the story of the rest of my days with kids. I don't see that it will ever slow down again. We have something going on almost every night, and as busy as it is, I enjoy it. It keeps us active and it makes for some good times making memories that will last forever. I know that this time is short, and I am trying to enjoy each and every moment I get with them. I know that one day all too soon, my house will be silent again. I know there will be no more little boy clutter, no more fighting, no more arguing over what music they want to listen to, no more begging to sleep on the floor in the playroom together, no more asking if friends can come over. As hard as it can sometimes be, I really do try to treasure each moment.
I know that I am human and I am going to freak out over the condition of my house or car, but when I have those moments, I always try to go back and apologize. It really is the small things in life that make a difference. Not the appearance of our house, our cars, or ourselves. It's all about our time together as a family. I will take them any way I can get them...and on the go seems to be the theme of late. There are weeks that I feel like I only see my husband in passing. Which is probably true. He's a night owl, and I'm a morning person. Meaning he stays up late, while I go to bed at 9 most week nights. :( Probably not the best thing in the world for a married couple, but what's a girl to do??? I have to get up at 5:30 every morning, and if I don't get to bed early, I am worthless the entire next day.
Oh well. We'll figure it all out one of these days. Maybe when school lets out again! I think that's why I enjoyed last weekend so much. We had some great quality time together, which just so happens to be mine and Todd's love language. Well, our number 2, anyway.
Okay, well I am famished, so I am going to eat breakfast. Love to all, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
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