Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guess What Day It Is Again?

It's okay, though.  Today is a Thursday I am going to LOVE.  :)  Because today is my "Friday".  I arranged to have tomorrow off from work so I can do all my bridesmaid duties with Christa.  :)  I can tell, today is going to be an overkill day on the smiley faces.  :)  See?  I can't help myself. 

It is going to be a fabulous day, in spite of the fact that I woke up late.  Because I went to bed late.  But it was worth it, because Christa came over one last time.  We had dinner, we talked, laughed, and then we watched Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too?".  The first one is my all time favorite movie.  I would love to say the 2nd one gets the same rank, but it doesn't.  I loved it.  Until the end.  And then the suckiness part happened.  Ugh.  I cannot stand when movies end bad.  It wasn't just me being picky, either, Christa agreed.  And it was so TENSE.  Who needs all that tension in a movie??? 

Oh, well.  At least we had fun watching it.  And most of it was good.  Anyway, I'm moving on now.  I woke up late (at 6:45) and Graham had to light a fire under his feet this morning and get ready in record time.  The good part to this is that I now know that he can hurry when he needs to.  The bad part was that we had to skip devotion, but I did at least pray over him before he rushed out the door.  As he all but ate breakfast on the way to the bus stop.  :)  Oops, there's another one. 

The other boys got ready in their normal time frame, thank goodness.  All in all, it was a good morning, as far as before school goes. 

But then the boys left, and the really amazing morning started.  And not because they left.  But because of the quiet time I had.  I did two days of my Bible study homework.  :)  I couldn't help myself.  It was so good that I hated to stop.  I am so sad this study is almost over.  I never knew that Esther was so applicable in today's times.  But it is.  If you have never done this one and have the chance, I encourage you to jump all over it.  It's amazing.  I love our little Bible study group.  We're small, but we are powerful.  God meets us at every session, and He is growing us closer to Him and to one another.  We're probably going to do some impromptu study nights before our next study starts.  :)  I also gained an accountability partner, which I've never had before, but am STOKED about.  I need someone to report to on the time I spend alone with God, digging into His word. 

God met me in my kitchen this morning.  I pray that you get to experience Him today, as well.  I love me some morning time with Jesus.  It just gets the day off to an amazing start, and it seems that everything just flows smoother after that.  Well, I have to go, or I'm going to be late to work.  Love to all!  :)  :)  :) 

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