Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to the Real World Tomorrow

I'm sad to see this weekend already over.  It's been a really good one.  We've had lots and lots of time with friends this weekend.  My friend Christa and her fiance, Jason, came over Friday night.  We grilled out and went to the square in the Ville.  The boys ran around, played football, a little hide and seek, and then we all had yogurt from the new place, Yolo's.  It was a really fun night.  I have pics, but I really don't feel like dragging out the camera right now, so you'll have to see them later. 

Saturday dawned at 9 for us.  The boys were beat and had LOTS of good sleep to catch up.  My hubby went and picked up this HUGE dry erase board he used to have hanging in this warehouse they used to have.  He has been wanting to hang it, but at the time he suggested it, Jonah and Noah were still in the playroom (as their bedroom), and we had no extra wall space.  BUT THEN, they moved into the small room, and we have the PERFECT wall for it in our playroom.  So he (and Graham and 2 teenage boys in the neighborhood) hung it. 

See?  Is that not every kids' dream or what?!?!  They already love it.  In the meantime, all the floor space in front of it was piled high with toys.  So when they had to move all the toys out of their way, it forced us to FINALLY clean the playroom.  A task I have been dreading ever since we moved Jonah and Noah out of there back in March.  So for about 45 minutes (maybe more like 30), the 5 of us had a speed cleaning session.  We pulled out toys that are no longer played with and put them into garbage bags to be sold at a yard sale in 2 weeks at Mimi's and Papa's house.  We threw away 2 bags of trash (because they ARE little boys, and they love to keep things, even the broken things), and everything else got put into a special place in the playroom closet.  Which is HUGE, without all those lonely toys. 

I also finally emptied my hall floor of picture albums and cd's that came out of our old entertainment center.  It's not that I'm not a clean person, I just had no where to put all that stuff.  I knew we had to clean out the playroom eventually, and I figured it would all go in there then, but it seems like I always had better stuff to be doing.  See my dilemma?  So, imagine my joy on Saturday, when finally we got all cleaned up and organized.  I also did some minor furniture rearranging, but nothing that's a huge deal.

You know how happy it makes me when things are nice and clean and organized. 

The rest of that day was spent at a birthday party, then when we got home, my friend Jessica and her cute little boy, Carter came over to watch the Alabama game.  But then we ended up talking more than watching football.  But it's okay, because I love new friends!  It was a fun night.  Sunday we went to church, but Sunday night since there was no church, we went to our friends' house in Arlington.  Brad and Marcia.  Our "just in case" people. 

If you don't know that story, I'll have to tell you later. 

Anyway, we had a blast playing cards and finally got home at 1am.  :)  And slept until 8:30.  :)

We had lunch (and then later, dinner!) with my mom and Bill.  He makes the most yummy ribs ever.  Then I colored my hair.  I told you I was sick of the blond, right?  Well, I was.  So now I'm happy being a brunette again.  It's a tad dark...but it'll lighten a little as I wash it.  But it's all natural again.  Yay!  Remind me of this moment when I decide to highlight my hair again next summer.  It was fun while it lasted, though. 

And now, here we are at home.  Watching football.  Todd's messing with my phone.  Again.  Yes, the iphone saga continues.  The boys are about to go shower, and the 5 of us are about to call it a night.  I am beat.  I need to get in bed really early if I plan on waking up on time in the morning.  And tomorrow, it all starts over. 

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.  It was especially nice that we didn't have to labor today.  Since it's Labor day, and all.  Love to all!

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