Thursday, September 2, 2010

and once's Thursday.

I'm forever doomed with this day, I am telling you.  This morning I woke up (late, AGAIN) and was very busy fixing lunches and breakfast and getting bags and snacks packed and waking up kids....

...big gasping breath inserted HERE...

and was so busy, that I didn't stop to sit down until...well, until 9:00, when I had dropped all the kids off.  And, technically, I didn't sit.  I was in the kitchen, cleaning, and I overheard little bits of a conversation that I really wish I hadn't heard. 

"...and now everything on my wife's phone is gone..."

At which point I ran (well, hobbled quickly, but more about that in a minute) into the living room and looked at Todd, and he gave me the sign language sign for "Yes, I said it's all gone, and I am NOT talking about it right now."

Did you catch that?  Everything on my cursed  iphone has been deleted.  Todd was trying to do a restore on it last night, and the tech support gal led him astray.  So everything on it was deleted. 

Pictures.  Notes.  Apps.  Music.  Pictures.  Notes.  Pictures.  Notes. 

Can you tell which ones were my favorite??? 

I had a note for EVERYTHING on the blasted phone.  E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.   Oh, and all my contacts are gone, too.  So, if you're reading this, and you're the kind of friend I talk to on the phone, please feel free to call or text me with your information. 

I've had messages and texts today from who knows who because I lost all my contacts. 

And to top this awesome start to a horrible day, I am in a walking boot.  Again.  Because of tendinitis.  Again.  Not that I went to a doctor, but I know it is.  And since I have a boot readily available, I figured I might as well put it to good use.  Because I'd hate for THAT to go to waste. 

Oh, and I need about 5 more sets of hands in the cafeteria.  Because for 30 minutes, I'm alone.  With 100+ kids.  Because somebody decided I was SuperWoman, and that I would be fine. 


I don't know what will happen if I get sick one day.  Or one of my kids gets sick. 

It's been a day.  Not necessarily the good kind, either. 

But, on a happy note, I made spaghetti for dinner.  And fed my dad and my sister Trish, who's birthday is today.  Happy birthday, Trish!!!  We all gave her cards.  Mine might have been the Mahogany line from Hallmark.  Because I'm cool like that.  And because my sister Debi started that a few years ago.  I can't help it that I like those better.  She was cracking up at it.  I guess we all did good.  The boys made the ones from them, and they all gave her a little something to go with it. 

:)  Because they're sweet like that.

How was your day?  I hope it was better than mine!  The good news: it's a long weekend!  Wahooooooo!!

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