Friday, August 27, 2010


That whole previous post about why I hate Thursdays must have traumatized me for a full 7 days.  Wow.  I had no idea I had all that pent up inside me. 

Do you ever feel like a black cloud is hanging over you?  I do.  Need an example?  In the past 3 weeks, I have done all of the following:

1.  Broken my toe.  I was making Drew's bed on a Sunday morning, August 8th, to be exact, and kicked his bed frame.  I broke my 4th toe.  The one to the right of the Little Piggy Toe.  I couldn't wear "real" shoes for a full 2 weeks.  Now, my ankles are rejoicing, because I am back in my tendonitis-correcting tennis shoes. 

2.  Cut my arm in 2 different (but VERY close) places.  It's all Todd's fault, so just ask him how I did it.  :)  Hee hee, love you, Honey.  But the 2nd cut was so bad, that had I gone to the emergency room, they would have have put at least 2 or 3 stitches in.  Being where it is and all, I opted out of going to the hospital.  Because now, thanks to a certain little something on Graham's leg, now I am paranoid about contacting staph infection.

3.  I almost fell head first into our recycling bin.  I was bringing in groceries on Monday afternoon, and as I walked up our 3 steps in the garage, when I leaned over to shut the garage door, I felt myself falling and was powerless to stop it.  Until my voice of reason kicked in and I had the thought to let the BAGS in my hand  fall instead of me.  And they did.  Thankfully, there was no glass in either of the 14 bags I was carrying. 

4.  I tripped over my invisible big black dog a few nights ago and just about sat on him.  I scared the poor thing so badly that he jumped up, stepping all over my feet and toes (with the pretty OPI polish that I had just put on them), causing some scratches that bled. 

Do you see my dilemma?  I feel like I have one of those cartoon type clouds following me around.  I'm almost scared of what is going to happen next.  And lest you think I am this way all the time, I assure you that I am not.  I haven't been this clumsy, since...well, since high school.  See previous post now. 

I've taken to praying for my safety.  Seriously.  I'm praying that I am extra aware of my surroundings, and that I keep my eyes open.  I don't just pray for myself, by the way, this also includes my whole family, since we're always together.  Like in the car.  Driving.  Around other people that can't drive very well.  Ahem, Memphis drivers.  Because we're a cool city like that. 

Well.  That's all I've got.  Hope you all have a lovely, blessed, SAFE day!  Love to all. 

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