Tuesday, August 3, 2010

God Smiled On Me Today

I know.  But He did.  I am not kidding.  Y'all know that I love my Jesus.  I love my kids.  I love being involved in my kids' lives at school.  I prayed and prayed and prayed about teachers for this year...and it was like I had a direct line to Him, because lo and behold, I got exactly who I wanted them to have.  :) 


I was up at the crack of dawn this morning-5:30 a.m.-to get dressed for work today. I had to be there no later than 7:30. I volunteered to work at registration when my principal (a.k.a. Boss Lady) called me last week.  I also worked one day last week.  Anyway, I was dressed and ready by 5:45.  So what did I do with the rest of my time, you wonder?

Any takers?

If you know me at all (and you should b/c it's been forever I've been writing on this blog), you know I watch the Bachelor.  And the Bachelorette.  And you know (if you watch ABC) that last night was the season finale.  And since the hubs didn't want to watch it with me, I watched it this morning. 

And can I just stop here and say that I am glad I don't have to listen to Ali's voice anymore?  And Christa, if you're reading this...I'll still watch it with you Thursday night.  I'm sorry.  I couldn't help myself.  I feel like I cheated on you or something.  CA-RAZY.  I know. 

Anyway, wow I got sidetracked, I registered my kids for school today.  And already got calls from all their teachers, praise You Jesus!  I hate waiting till Friday, have I ever said that before?  :)  Drew got the fabulous Donna Pittman (Graham had her last year, I LOVE it when that happens), Jonah got the beautiful Tammy Townsend, and Noah got the amazing Marian Richards.  I am so happy, my heart could burst.  I can't wait for Monday now. 

Oh wait.  Nevermind.  I still have to buy (and label) all their school supplies.  So scratch that.  Maybe I'm not so excited now. 

Nah.  Who am I kidding?  I'm excited.  Especially after I got some sweet hugs from some sweet kids. 

I won't know about Graham's teachers and team until later this week.  Not that it matters who he gets, because I don't know any of them from Adam.  I feel like I'm throwing him out to the sharks, poor kid. 

Speaking of Graham, can you all help me pray for him?  He has a staph infection under his skin on his leg.  He is in serious pain...and I can't stand to see him hurt so bad.  Todd took him to the dr. this morning, and he prescribed a really strong antibiotic and he told us to do hot compresses of epsom salt.  He can hardly walk, it hurts so bad.  If you have any tips on how to deal with this, I welcome them.

Until then...my head hurts so bad I can hardly see straight.  I already took Tylenol, I'm sending Drew down with my glasses.  Yowza.  Thank you Memphis weather.  And whatever front is moving through. 

So, y'all have a great night...and don't melt away from all this heat.  Love to all.

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