Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a cute story and maybe some other thoughts

This morning as the 3 younger boys were about to be getting out of my car to head into school, I looked back and noticed Noah had chocolate milk around his mouth.  Imagine that.  Noah having a dirty mouth.  Anyway, I told him to wipe his mouth and he did, but he missed the spot.  So Jonah, being a great older twin brother, said, "Noah, I'll get it."  And proceeded to lick his finger and clean Noah's mouth. 

That just cracked me up.  They didn't think it was at all weird or "gross", as Drew muttered when he saw what Jonah was doing.  They're just cool like that.  Twins, I mean.  It still amazes me to see their bond.  And as much as I don't understand it, I appreciate the people they're with when they have meltdowns. 

Like their teachers, for instance.  The first 2 or 3 days of school, Noah had a rough morning.  He has an amazing teacher whom he loves, so it wasn't that.  It was rough because he missed Jonah.  And he'd end up crying.  One day he went as far to ask his teacher, "Can I just go and stay with Jonah in his class?"  Isn't that pitiful?  Thank the Lord, they both have very COMPASSIONATE teachers who let them see each other when the need arises.  And yes, we prayed that they would have compassionate teachers.  God is good, and saw to it that this prayer was answered. 

After the 3rd day of school, I'm proud to say that Noah stopped the crying.  I'm sure it was rough on him, after all, they had just spent an entire 8 weeks together, totally inseparable.  And then to have their twin ripped away from them, well, it breaks my heart.  I wish they could be together...but that's a whole 'nother blog!  I won't go there this morning. 

I love Wednesday.  Hump day!  We're halfway done with our week, and I am always thankful for that!  I live for weekends.  During the school year, anyway.  In the summer time, I live for every DAY that I get to spend with my family.  I'm especially excited for this weekend, because we're spending time with Todd's parents.  They celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary on August 9th, and Mimi requested that the Nashville Goodwin's come in town for the weekend so we could spend an entire weekend together.  I think we're going to spend some time downtown doing fun stuff that Tim, Tracy, Nathan and Joseph wouldn't normally do with us while they're here. 

My kids LOVE being with their Nashville cousins.  And it's been way too long since we've seen them all.  I'm very excited for this quality time that we all get together.  Another fun thing is my friend's shower happening Saturday night.  I'm torn between going or not going because of our family time.  I really don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I'm hoping to figure it all out before Friday.

Well, as much as I love writing this to you all, I must go.  I need to eat lunch, and then I am going to go love on all "my kiddos".  Love to all, and have a blessed day!   


  1. You did again what you are so good at- you made me cry again. First because of how touched I am because of the twins bond for each other and also because of the fact they have teachers who understand. Also, tears came because I am so excited about this weekend and I am happy to know that you are excited about it too!!! I am blessed with the best family ever!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

  2. I'm sorry I made you cry! :( I really don't mean to do that. I promise. ;)

    Isn't that a sweet story? I almost cried, too. In fact, I do every year when they have to be in separate classrooms.

    Yes, I am very excited! We really should do this more often, you know. ;) I love you. Thanks for being an awesome mom-in-love.


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