Monday, August 2, 2010


I can't think of a title.  Oh well.  Question marks work, right??

It's been an amazing weekend and day.  We spent Saturday with family, and Sunday at church, then with friends.  The kind of friends who don't mind when you make your ridiculously-crazy-looking-face-because you're-laughing-so-hard-you're-crying-face.  You know.  Those friends. 

Taco night.  It deserves its own spot on the kitchen calendar.  Especially when some guy walks in wearing an itty-bitty-teeny-weeny-yellow-wannabe-bikini shirt.  That looks like it could fit a 6 year old girl.  But, instead, is stretched across a 20 something male chest.  It was NOT a pretty sight. 

But I sure did have fun laughing my head off with my friend Marcia.  I think we might have embarrassed our husbands.  And I was worried that Todd would embarrass me.  Hmph.  I guess not.

Today I did the usual house stuff, and then we went to Jerry's Sno Cones with some church friends.  In the 538 degree heat.  Because, at the time, it sounded like a good idea.  I'm just jokin', it was fun.

See?  Left to right is Marcia, Christie, moi and Becky.  :)  Fun times. 

After we left Jerry's, we made a much needed visit to the wonderful, most amazing chiropractor ever...Jason Coleman.  My back is hurting rejoicing now because of it.  And so is Graham's, Drew's, Jonah's and Noah's.  :)  Because it's been sweet forever since we've seen him.  Like before my Iceland trip, forever.

I rearranged Graham's and Drew's room today, which is probably why it's hurting so bad.  But their room sure does look cute!

We ate dinner...a quick one that I just threw together...then all the boys went outside to help their dad with yardwork.  And Graham cut most of the backyard.  He did really good, too!  Then they all went and jumped in Travis and Katie's pool to cool off.  (Did I mention that our neighbors rock??  Because they do.  And I love them.)  

While I cleaned inside, then took a nice, long, cold shower.  Because it's 538 degrees outside.  Did I mention that?  But it was nice because it was quiet.  No little voices saying, "Mommy?  When you gonna be done?"

Ahhhhh.  It's the little things, peeps, it's the little things.  They make my heart so happy.  Well.  Gotta run.  I have to be at work tomorrow morning at 7:30.  Yikes!  I guess that means I'm going to bed in an hour or so.  Love to all!

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