Saturday, July 31, 2010

What's Up?

VBS-all week at my church this past week.  It was amazing...I worked registration and loved getting to visit with all my church peeps!

Rearranging furniture/toys and cleaning/organizing...AGAIN.  This time in Graham's and Drew's room.  We are selling their bunk beds because they now have NEW ones in their room!  Woohoo!

I finished another amazing book...The Yada Yada House of Hope series by Neta Jackson...Who Do I Lean On?

Slacked on blogging.  Sorry.  No inspiration/motivation.

Kept up with my favorite bloggy peeps!  I found a new favorite cooking friend and kindergarten teacher of 2 of my kiddos...Katie Ledbetter.  Her blog is From My Kitchen To on my blogroll on the right and check out her yummy recipes!

Entertained my kids...and several others.  :)  And fed them all.

Went to the grocery store for much needed food!  With all my kids.  $240 later, our fridge and pantry are stocked!

Watched a LOT of HGTV.  Becoming addicted.

Did countless loads of laundry.  Including ALL the bed linens.  And then put it all up.  :)

Assisted my hubby in shaving his head bald.  Not really.  I just offered my opinion from time to time. 

Had dinner with friends last night.

Worked a day at the school.  :)

Had fun with my kids.  Hanging out, doing not much of anything, enjoying our last days of summer. 

Relished their creative energy. 

Bored you with my goings on. 

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