Sunday, July 18, 2010

what a weekend.

We had fun at my friend Amy's house Friday night.  We made our pizza for dinner, which Jonah and Noah LOVED.  And devoured.  And we even got to throw in some adult conversation into the mix.  It was sweet of her to invite us over...we had some meaningful talks about raising kids in today's world, education and which way works best for OUR family, church, you get the picture.  She was telling me about a really good book she just read that sparked these conversations, and to save my life, I cannot think of the title OR the author. 

I need to find out.  It's going to eat me alive, because it's a book I think I would like. 

We left her house and got home around 9:30, and all seemed well in my world.  I was getting Jonah and Noah off to bed when I realized something wasn't quite right with my house.  It was darker than I left it.  And I noticed the minute we walked in, that it wasn't as cool as it should have been.  Because it was 103 90 degrees outside.  I walked in the dining room where our thermostat is and it read 75 degrees.  Nice and cool, right? 

Wrong.  We keep the downstairs set to 72 degrees, because we're all a bunch of Eskimos.  Then I started noticing that while certain lights came on, some did not.  Bottom line: I realized that my house only had HALF electricity.  Seriously?  Yup. 

I called my favorite nice neighbor, Travis, and he came over to inspect my breaker box.  After flipping all the different switches, nothing happened.  Nothing came back on.  And it was a bunch of random stuff that was off.  Unfortunately, both air conditioning units were not working.  :(  I started to leave and spend the night with some of my family, but when I found out that a good friend (who happens also to have gone on the Iceland trip with us AND is a licensed electrician, thank You, Lord!) would come over first thing the next morning, we stayed. 

Jonah and Noah were comfy in bed and their ceiling fan worked.  I was not as fortunate.  So after sporadic sleep and hot flashes all throughout the night, I was thrilled to see Saturday dawn.  And when it did, I was so stinkin' hot that I couldn't even drink my morning coffee.  Y'all.  I could not drink my coffee.  That is serious.  Because you all know that I go bed early at night so I can wake up early to grab that first delicious cup. 

I was sitting here sweltering and playing on facebook when all of a sudden, I heard this zzzzzztttttt, and all the power came back on.  All of it, except for both a/c units.  And while the lights were on, they were barely on.  They were all really dim.  I called my sweet father in law, and he called and got MLGW to come out.  The man got here, a really nice man, I might add, and told me the problem was not their end, but in my box.  When he called me over to show me what the problem was so I could show my friend Darwin (the electrician), sparks started flying and a little fire started.  Seriously.  He was blowing on things and fanning it to put it out.  I almost wet myself. 

He turned to me and said, "Honey, I'm shuttin' ya down.  I don't feel safe leaving you here like this."  So he did.  And I about cried.  Fortunately my stepdad had come over to see if he could help and took Jonah and Noah to the grocery store, then home with him.  I gathered up my belongings and went to the neighbor's house, in search for air.  Because it was 82 degrees downstairs (and probably close to 90 upstairs), and you know me and my dislike of heat.  It makes me cranky, gives me migraines and makes me want to throw up.

Heaven forbid.

So I hung out with Travis and Katie and their sweet nephews until Darwin got here.  And praise the Lord, he was able to fix it and get us back up and running.  So when he left, I came back home and started on some laundry.  Because I was about to have to leave to pick up Todd and the older boys and we all KNOW what camp laundry smells like!  After that, I was relieved to be able to take a little siesta.  On the comfy couch with the air blowing all around me and my fan on high above me. 

Insert happy sigh here. 

I got the text to head to the church because they were almost home and left.  After all the vehicles were unloaded and parked again, we headed to my mom's for dinner.  A really, really, really yummy dinner of grilled chicken, grilled potatoes and squash, boiled okra, Italian spinach and garlic bread.  I was in Heaven, because I'd kind of forgotten to eat lunch that day.  I don't think I've ever inhaled a plate of food so fast! 

The boys swam and we talked and eventually headed back home.  To lots and lots and lots of laundry.  That will be what I am doing tomorrow!  And cleaning out closets and drawers.  Because I feel the need to.  I forgot to mention that not only did I not sleep well Friday night, I didn't sleep last night, either.  I think I must have gotten up every half hour.  I don't know what was wrong with me.  But if I didn't wake up, I heard a noise that woke me up.  Or the cats fighting.  Or Andy the WonderDog snoring. 




So I am sleepy.  And I'm about to get off this thing and take my book and hopefully drift off to the Land of Nod. 

So, I'm gonna go do that now.  Good night, all. 

1 comment:

  1. sweet dreams! let me know what that book is, I would love to read it, sounds great!!! Glad y'all had a great weekend! Love you!


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