Thursday, July 1, 2010

what do you love?

I am doing this because my kids, Drew especially, have the kind of personality that is obsessive.  What I mean by that is when he is "into" something, he is into it heart, mind and soul!  And that is all he thinks about, talks about and does.  Recently he's been into Alcatraz, Al Capone, WW1&2, all things military, cars, spy stuff, ninjas, karate, origami and now....

Baseball cards.  The kid has bought and bought and bought and now he has close to 400.  All acquired within the last 3 months.  He loves them so much that he's also gotten Graham, Jonah and Noah in on it, and now, everywhere I look, I see baseball cards.  Funny, huh?

So that got me to thinking...what is it that I love the MOST?  My most treasured possession is my Bible.  And not just one.  Many.  I have them everywhere.  At least 1 in every room in my house.  Not including bathrooms.  I love to hold it, to feel it, the smell of it, the wrinkled oft-turned pages, the marks, the highlights, the underlining...I love all of it.  I was sitting with my dad at the dinner table at church last week and noticed his Bible looks just like all mine.  Much loved.  Much used.  Treasured.  And my heart got all happy and warm inside. 

When we were in Iceland, for one of our devotions, we were talking about faithfulness.  Jeannie was giving this devotion and she started talking about her son in law's Bible.  Both of his parents died within a very short time, and his dad's Bible was one of the things that he had to remember him by.  And it wasn't a mint condition Bible.  It was a much loved, much used, TREASURED Bible.  And with tears in her eyes, she explained how he'd written in all the margins, and how alongside one verse he would write how God had worked in that situation, the date and the outcome. 

Isn't that cool? 

So all of this to say...not only what do you love, but what do you want to leave behind?  I hope to leave a legacy for my kids...I hope they can say that the one thing I loved the most wasn't a possession that I had, but a relationship that I had with my Lord and Savior. 

I guess I'm just in a reflective mood today.  And I had some moments of thankfulness with my kids as we poured over His written word together.  And studied it.  And began memorizing some of it. 

So, what do you love?


  1. I have so many bibles too - everywhere! We are 2 peas in a pod. :)

  2. I love old hymns. They do my soul such good, even though I can't carry a tune in a bucket!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...