Wednesday, July 7, 2010

a quiet week

Isn't it funny, how when there's a holiday on Monday, you spend the rest of the week trying to figure out what day it is?  Even in the summer?  I have done that all week.  I can't believe today is Wednesday, already.  We've had the most lazy week.  I haven't been feeling good-my ear has been giving me fits, but I think today it's finally starting to feel better.  We haven't been swimming, either, which is just about unheard of.  I've been allowing time for our ears to heal.  Mine, Graham's and Jonah's. 

And then of course, there was yesterday morning when Jonah woke me up at 3a.m. to tell me he'd thrown up.  I had to clean it up, get him settled on the floor of our room, then spent the next 2 hours trying to go back to sleep.  I should have just gotten up to read.  When I finally did sleep, by the time I woke up, I felt like I'd been hit by a truck.  :(

It was one of those mornings that when my feet hit the floor, they were running.  I had to do all that laundry that Jonah.....well, you get my drift.  In order to do all that laundry, I had to take care of all the laundry from the day before.  When I finished, I spent the rest of the day on the couch.  I caught up on my dvr shows since the kids were playing upstairs, and did absolutely nothing else.  I never even got out of my pajamas.  So uncharacteristic of me.  It was one of those blah days.  I'm honestly glad it's over.

Today we're going to be more productive.  Todd has a long workday today.  He has to drive several hours to get to one of his jobs.  Graham wanted to go with him-even though he knew how many hours would be spent in the car.  I'm pretty sure Todd was glad for the company, and I'm positive that Graham is loving the one on one time.  I'm thankful that Todd is able to do this-take the kids with him occasionally.  Jonah has already informed us that when Todd has a "normal" work day here in Memphis, that HE is going to go with Daddy that day.  Today would have been too hard for him, though.  I don't expect them home until 9:00 tonight. 

So while they're gone, the other boys and myself are going to swim with my sweet friend, Carol.  She called last night to invite us over again.  My boys LOVE going to her pool.  Can you say saltwater????  They love that they can open their eyes underwater without it burning.  Plus they love playing with her grandkids.  In fact, they're asking if they can come back and spend the night with us.  Connor is going into 4th grade, and Jordan is going into 2nd, like Jonah and Noah.  They all get along really well, and I promised that if I was feeling better, they could come back home with us. 

Last week I was telling Carol about one of my favorite authors-Karen Kingsbury-and found out that as much as she loves to read, she's never read any of her books.  So today, I'm going to bless her with Karen's books.  Because they are a blessing-not because I'm giving them to her and her daughter in law to read, but because the books are called Life Changing Fiction.  And they are.  So, sitting on the kitchen counter are 14 books.  Because the books are all in series, and there is a specific order they go in.  If you're interested, you can go to her website to find out about them yourself.  I'll even loan you mine-if you promise to take care of them and give them back.  I'm picky about my books, and unless I give them to someone forever, I usually do want them back.  Because I love to share them with everybody!  Not because I'm selfish with them, lol, although right now, it may seem that way. 

Anyway, to get to her website, click HERE.

The books I'm talking about are the Redemption series, the Firstborn series, the Sunrise series, and the Above the Line series.  I'm giving her the first 3 of the mentioned above series.  Above the Line is her newest, and I can't loan those yet because my mom and mom-in-love haven't read the last book.  If you're looking for some recommended reading, I highly recommend her.   :)  I know.  I'm a nerd.  A book nerd.  I love any and all books.  And as cool as the new Nooks and Kindles are, I love the actual FEEL of a book in my hands.  The feel, the smell, the pictures on the cover...insert happy sigh here. 

I also LOVE these authors:  Robin Jones Gunn (I've read every book she's written, including some that were written for young girls.  I actually bought them all one year and re-read all of them.  My favorite series she's written is the Sister Chicks Series.), and Neta Jackson (The Yada Yada Prayer Group books).  That's what I'm reading right now.  Neta Jackson's Who Do I Talk To, the 2nd book in the Yada Yada House of Hope series.  This series comes after all the Yada Yada Prayer Group books-of which there are 7. You can find all these authors on

Okay.  Well, I'm done talking about my books.  I did that because I get asked all the time what I love to read, and that's it.  Plus, I have a new friend that is across the world and I thought she might like to know.  Because we seem to have lots in common.  AHEM, JO. Even though distance separates, God allows hearts to befriend across the miles.  :) 

So that's about it.  As I'm writing this, the boys are making forts out of their cars.  And Drew keeps talking about weird it is without Graham here.  Different, indeed.  But I'm thankful for the time he gets with Todd today.  And I'm thankful for this time that I have alone with Drew, Jonah and Noah.  If this is what our day is going to be like, then I'm excited.  I love peaceful mornings. 

In fact, I'm going to take advantage of this quiet right now, and go do my devotion and read some of God's word.  My most favored book of all.  :)  I hope all of you have a glorious day.  Love to all. 

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