Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Mom

I've been spending a lot of time with my mom lately.  She is currently not working, and I've had the privilege of getting to spend quality time with her throughout this summer.  I've gotten out of the habit of being able to spend time with her in the past years, either because of her work during the week, or mine.  Except for our Saturday nights.

When Todd and I first got married, she started inviting us over for dinner on Saturday nights.  I had no idea that it would continue for nearly fourteen years now.  I don't even know that she intended us to do this for so long, but it's something that has continued, and it's something we all enjoy.  Of course it became more special once the kids were born.  Especially since my kids were the first "little ones" they'd been able to enjoy in a long time. 

Going to mom's house for dinner is like going home.  Even in her new home, it's like this feeling of "ahhhhhh".  Her and Bill (who am I kidding, mostly it's Bill who does the cooking for us!  Sorry, Mom, I can't lie!) cook the most amazing meals.  Steak, salmon, catfish, grilled chicken, pork chops, hamburgers & hot dogs, Italian spinach, grilled veggies, potato casseroles, banana pudding, chocolate chess pie...I could go on, but these are just a few of the things that we have when we go over there. 

I've always felt like I could just sit back and relax when I'm over there.  Mom has always just taken over with my kids during this time.  It's like her gift to me-the night off!  No hassles, no questions, no worries!  Even at one time or another when they were all little, when we all sat around the table to start eating dinner, there would  be a baby that would start crying.  I guess the smell of the food made him hungry, because it never failed.  Once we sat, the tears came.  Mom ALWAYS let me eat, and she would either eat with just one hand while she held the baby in her lap, or she would entertain him while I ate.  I love that about her.  She also started bathing them before we would leave.  This started when Graham was just days old, and has continued all the way to present time.  Although now they don't require supervision.  Because that would just be weird.  We usually carry clean pj's to her house so they can be all squeaky clean for church the next morning when we leave her house. 

So...back to now and why I'm writing this post.  A few weeks ago, I found on facebook that one of my dear friends from highschool and my college roommate, a sweet girl named Angel, lost her mom.  Her mom had been the picture of health until the past 6 months or so.  I think she had kidney problems, and that was what her mom died from.  And then I started thinking of all the people I know that are my age that have already lost their moms.  I felt this overwhelming thankfulness that I was still among the blessed to have the presence of my mom in my life.

And then I started thinking of the way my mom took care of her mom.  My precious Mammaw, Vera Mae Myles, lived the last twelve years of her life in a nursing home.  She'd lived with my aunt until she became so sick that Mammaw had to move in with us.  I was a junior in high school, I think.  We were able to care for her until it became dangerous for my Mammaw.  She had dementia and actually got out of our house one night.  My mom took amazing care of her.  She visited her almost every single day, she fed her, helped bathe her, took her her favorite treats, she would sing to her, or often she would just sit by her bedside, holding her hand and rubbing her face. 

She was the picture of love and devotion.  And again...I feel so thankful to have my mom in my life.  Sure, I've taken her for granted.  Did I mean to?  Of course not.  Life is busy, with family and work, but my mom is a rock for me.  We could go for days without seeing one another (although I prefer not to), but we always pick right back up.  Is our relationship perfect?  No.  Unfortunately I can be quite moody and subject the poor dear to my meltdowns.  I always try to apologize for those times, and she's always there to just quietly tell me, "It's okay, sweetie.  I love you."  I'm sure she gets frustrated with me, and I've gotten frustrated with her, but the bottom line is that she is my mom and regardless of what is going on or has taken place, she loves me.

Last week we spent almost an entire three days together.  She let me drive while we were together.  I loved the feeling of taking care of her.  I felt so protective of her while I escorted her around.  I even found myself ordering for the both of us when we were eating at a restaurant.  Not because I wanted to be in charge (because I am in charge of enough little bodies for this present moment!), but because I just wanted to take care of her.  I didn't want her to have to worry about one little thing. 

And do you know what she did to repay me?  She slaved in Jonah's and Noah's room the next day and almost painted herself silly.  I'm not writing this to make anyone jealous, or to brag about what my mom does for me, but because I want to HONOR her.  God has blessed me with a loving, kind and gentle mom.  His word tells us to honor our mother and our father.  I don't really know what "to honor your mother and your father" means, but I hope that in writing this, that I am doing just that. 

Mom has given me so much in my life.  She has taught me how to be a mom.  She is the one responsible for making me love to cook and love being a homemaker.  I love all the little domestic things that come with being a wife and mom.  I know, it's crazy, but I enjoy the cleaning, the laundry folding, the putting away of the laundry, even spending hours in my kids' rooms cleaning...I love all of it.  I especially love cooking one of their favorite meals.  I love when they ask me to make them something...even when the request sounds like, "Hey Mom, can you make Nana's chocolate gravy/cornbread/banana pudding?" 

I love my mom.  I love everything about her.  Even her hands that are so strong and capable.  They're aging a little bit now, but they are still gentle enough to rub my back when she hugs me.  I love her so much.  And I thank God for every moment He gives me with her.  If you are fortunate enough to have your mom in her life...why don't you tell her so today?  Because we never know what life has in store, and we never know when one moment may be our last. 


  1. She is so blessed to have a wonderful daughter like you and I am thankful you are in my life too.
    Bunches of love.

  2. You're so sweet to say that! I am very thankful for you, as well! Love you bunches, to use your "card words"!!


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