Monday, July 19, 2010

my lovely monday

It really was lovely.  It involved cleaning and organizing, and you all know how I love that.  This time it was in Graham's and Drew's room.  I'm ashamed to say it's been almost a year since I have done that.  It's amazing what builds up in their closet...and organized though it may be, it was still quite the task. 

And no, this is not from today.  It's from when we first did their closets a year and a half ago.  It looks almost this good again, though.  It's amazing what all 2 boys collect.  Well, 4, but in today's case it was just 2 that I was dealing with.  I cleaned out their closet, their drawers, their entire room from top to bottom.  :)  Because sometimes, a mom just needs to do it, ya know what I'm sayin'??? 

Here are some of the odds and ends that I found while cleaning out their stuff:

odd little pieces of metal-guess which one would be the collector of that lovely item?  Drew.
a ridiculously huge collection of chapstick
a rainbow assortment of colored mardi gras beads
love letters from the first grade (Drew again)
old birthday cards, including one that sings, "You make me wanna SHOUT!"
all kinds of playing cards
hand written notes of a secret language (Mahaba=hello)
a yellow shotgun shell (guess which one again???)

Oh wait.  I think all of this stuff must have belonged to Drew!  Have I mentioned that he is quite the collector?  I ended up throwing a lot of it away...behind his back, of we'll see how long it takes to get all messy again!  I know, I know.  I have really high expectations don't I?! 

And the stuff under their beds.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  What in the world?!?!  I guess this is just characteristic of boys, but what in the world do they have against putting things up?  Dirty socks, a couple of "lost" shirts, pencils, books, you name it, it was under there.

On another note, I traded kids tonight.  I exchanged 2 for 1.  Good for me, bad for my friend.  :(  I can't help that mine come in pairs!  So the little ones are upstairs with their sweet friend, working on going to sleep.  I'm about to head there myself.  If I can pull myself away from the marathon of Silent Library.  On MTV.  Yes, that would be the only thing I watch on that channel, but it is hilarious! 

Okay.  Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your new wallpaper and of course I always love your blogs. You make me go into withdrawals when you skip too many days.
    Bunches and bunches of love.


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