Friday, July 16, 2010

a fast week

I can't believe a whole week has gone by!  It's going by with lightning speed and I really don't like it.  I wish I could freeze time...especially summer!  But it's life, and all we can do is enjoy every last drop, right?  So, speaking of that, I thought I would catch you up on what's been going on here in the Goodwinville.

FRIENDS!  That has been the theme of the week.  Starting with Saturday, when I spent the day with my mom and later on my friend Christa.  She came over, we ate at Chili's, walked around Home Depot, came here and watched a dumb movie. 

Monday we ate lunch at Cici's Pizza with my dad, saw Toy Story 3 and came back home for the evening.  Just as I was about to lay down and probably fall asleep (at 7pm, mind you), the doorbell rang.  Our friends David and Sunny dropped by to return a couple books, and ended up staying until 10:30!  I love nights like that...we talked and got all caught up (it's been ages since we've all been together), then sat around the kitchen table playing Chicken Foot in dominoes.  Fun times.

Tuesday we saw another movie-the Kids Fest thing at Malco for $2 a ticket-with Sunny and Andy, who is the same age as Jonah and Noah.  We saw Aliens in the Attic.  It was cute.  We swam later that day with our friend, Carol, or Mimi Carol, as all the boys call her.  Because she's a Mimi.  Jonah and Noah spent that night with Andy. 

Wednesday I (WE, as in my mom and me) got up, dropped the older boys off at church, went to her house and whipped up some cute little curtains for Jonah and Noah, came back to the Ville and bought some paint, picked up Jonah and Noah, then got ready for church.  WHEW.  And I need to insert here that I love my church family.  The group of women that I have the honor of being a part of are amazing people, and I am SO EXCITED to be starting a Bible study with them for the first time ever-Beth Moore's Esther study. 

Thursday my sweet Mom and I painted the little boys' room.  And painted, and painted, and painted, and painted.  It wasn't that bad, but if you know me, you know I do not love to paint.  But I sure do love the outcome!  We painted from 9 until 4:30, breaking only for lunch.  We washed out all our supplies, then revamped some things with spray paint and started moving things back in.  Well, this was after my sister Lisa and her husband Jim came over to hang the curtains.  And moved the beds back in place.  And put the drawers under the bed back in.  It was like Mom and me were so tired that we couldn't do anything anymore.  So I was thankful that they came to help.  :) 

We hung everything, had dinner (thank you, Bill!!!  He brought us take out from Yum's!), and got everything put just right.  And then we did the big reveal for Jonah and Noah when they got back home.  I also need to thank my sweet mom-in-law for keeping the boys while we did this!  Jonah and Noah were SHOCKED at their room.  I loved their eyes when they saw it.  It looks really cool, like a big boy's room.  They loved it.  They kept touching everything and saying thank you!

Wiley, my father-in-law, and his 3 wives (HA!  Phyllis, and her friends Sherry and Nita) had come over, our neighbors were here with their little nephews, my mom and Bill were was a lot of people.  They all left and my friend Mandy came over.  And brought me the most delicious dessert from Carrabba's.  YUMMMM.

We talked until 12:40 a.m.  Seriously.  I could talk to that girl all night.  She's my best friend from middle school, and things have NEVER changed between us.  She lived here briefly, then moved back to her hometown in Georgia while I was in high school.  Her and her family (hubby and 2 sweet kids) moved back here two years ago, and our friendship picked right back up where it left off.  I love that girl, you will NEVER meet anyone nicer than her. 

So here I am at today.  I am meeting another sweet friend, Marcia, at the Germantown Community Center for some pool time.  :)  I'm spending tonight with another sweet friend, Amy, who invited Jonah, Noah and myself over for homemade pizza making.  I am rich in friends...not because I'm some great person, but because God knows that I need good girlfriends, ones that are strong and kind and loyal, and He answered my prayer for just that.  Women like this are few and far between.  I am blessed to have them in my life and I thank God every single day for them.  And for my family...because they're not just family, but so much more.

Love to all.

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