Friday, July 9, 2010


I am so stinkin' excited about tomorrow, I could cry.  Todd and all his boys are going on a canoe trip on the Buffalo River!  WAHOO!!

Guess what I get to do the whole day???

ANYTHING I WANT TO!  To steal a phrase from one of my favorite Travis Cottrell songs, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!"

A whole day.  That sounds like heaven.  Unfortunately, I'm going to spend the earlier half of it trying on dresses.  :(  But after that, I can do whatever I want!  I have a friend coming over for a girl's night tomorrow night and I'm hoping to watch a chick flick!  And just catch up.  Ya know?  Especially since she's moving away in a short while.  :(

Alright, well, I'm off for now.  I am going to watch one of my instant queue movies from Netflix.  A girly one.  Since the hubs is out doing his sheriff department stuff.  And since the kiddos are in bed.  And since I need to get off of here before my eyes cross. 

Good night.  Love to all.


  1. hope you enjoyed your day for 'me!!!!!!!

  2. I did!!! I got a bridesmaid dress for a friend's upcoming wedding, I shopped for pillow and curtain fabric, ate salad for lunch and just enjoyed being "girly"!!!


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