Monday, June 21, 2010

sticks and stones...

...really might break my bones, afterall.  Because of this fact, we started a new thing today. 

I'm picking a Bible verse each week for us to memorize and pick apart.  Today, we're learning about our words and how good they can be...or how hurtful they can be. 

This week's verse is very, very close to my heart.

Psalm 19:14  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. 

I wrote it out, and so did each of the boys.  We each read it out loud, then we talked about it.  We discussed our words, and our thoughts.  And how much God actually knows us...every little teensy, tiny detail.  Every word spoken, and every thought we have.

Then we tried to recite it from memory.  My heart leaped with joy when they recited it from memory back to me. 

I posted each index card on our fridge, so that each time we open its doors, we'll be drinking in God's word. 

I pray that this truth sinks deep into our hearts (mine, Graham's, Drew's, Jonah's and Noah's), and that the next time we want to retaliate with our words...that we'll stop and remember this verse. 

I pray that God's word lives and speaks through each of us. 

Oh, how I love Him. 

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea for a great verse!


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