Thursday, June 3, 2010

it's funny how when school's out...I don't mind Thursdays

Isn't that funny?  I only dislike them when school is in session.  Hmmmmm.  Just something to sit and think about.

We've had a busy, water-free day.  Drew's not feeling good, so I took him to the doctor.  He has swimmer's ear.  :(  While we were there, I had him check the other boys' ears and mine (since I'm about to spend a LOT of time on a plane), and found out we're all fine and dandy.  Except Drew.  Poor thing.  He has a wick in his's soaked in a steroid antibiotic ear drop and needs to stay in for a few days.  He's kinda miserable.  We need to invest in some really good ear plugs. 

So we decided to stay out of the water today.  We had lunch with my mom at Steak-n-Shake.  YUMMY.  Then we came back to The Ville and went to Target. 

*Insert big, happy sigh here.*

I love that store.  Seriously. 

We got Drew's prescription for a steroid ear drop filled, then we shopped a little.  I got them each a shirt, and I might have gotten a thing or 4 for me to take to Iceland. 

I'm looking for a messenger bag style purse (that doesn't cost $60) to wear while I'm there.  I found one that I liked at Target, but I wasn't wild about how accessible it is.  As in it didn't have a zipper, and I need a zipper.  So.  I might search some more.  And hope that I find one. 

Jonah and Noah are spending the night tonight with a friend and are so excited.  Noah has asked me every 5 minutes for the past 30, how much longer it would be.  :)  You gotta love a 7 year old.  And he knows how to tell time, but prefers to ask me. 

Can you tell he's the baby in the family?  He's used to people doing things for him. 

Todd has a game tonight.  If the rain stays away.  We're going to go there and watch him play and hope they win.  Since they haven't since the first game.  Except for the one that the other team had to forfeit.  Then, who knows? 

Tomorrow we're hanging out with my dad.  He mentioned Mud Island, but I'm not sure.  If it's 157 degrees, then I am not interested in going.  Neither is my head...since I get headaches from the heat. 

Well.  That's all I've got.  I'll write again soon.  Love to all. 

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