Wednesday, June 30, 2010

in my neck of the woods (thank you, Al Roker)

What have I been up to, you wonder?  Well, wonder no more.  I will catch you up.  Briefly, hopefully. 

We've been doing lots and lots of this.

(Playing in the water.)

I've been doing lots of this.

(Reading her books.  Among many, many others.)  If you haven't read her books, to change that, go HERE.  I very highly recommend all of her stuff.  She is amazing, and her books are called Life Changing Fiction. For a reason.

We've been hanging out with friends.  We've been going to church.  We've been active in our annual Celebrate America at our church.  We've sung.  We've danced.  We've played.  We've been going to see movies.  We've been memorizing Bible verses.  Last week was Psalm 19:14.  "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." 

This week it's Phillippians 4:13.  "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

I already know that one, but I want my kids to know it.  Because in His power, we can do anything!

Last week, all of us went to see the Karate Kid.  It was awesome.  Very different from the original, but really good, all the same.  It made me realize how highly I think of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith.  And their cute son. 

Last night, I went to a corks & canvas party that my friend, Jessie Hanks hosted.  She's the boys' art teacher at school, and I see why they love her so much.  And look what I did:

Cool, huh?  Little 'ol me.  Who would have thought?? 

It was so much fun to do much so, that I'm thinking of starting a new hobby!  I need to buy some canvases and some more paint.  I already have ideas running around in my head.  :)  And I have lots of naked walls in my family room.

Then after the party last night, my best friend Mandy and I went and did this:

Oh yes, we did.  At the midnight showing.  And had a glorious time amidst all the teeny boppers.  One of them being her sweet daughter, Haley. 

So, that's about it.  We live exciting, on the edge of your seat lives, don't we??? 

I have no idea what today holds.  I slept in until all the arguing woke me up 9:30.  I got home at the wee hour of 2am and had a bit of trouble falling right to sleep.  So I might have read until around 3:15 or so.  Might have.  Because I'm like that. 


Today's Wednesday, so it's a church night for us.  And another night of me getting to join the women's group!  Which makes my heart so happy.  Again. 

Well.  I need to go start laundry now.  And do some other wiferly and motherly duties. 

I hope your day is blessed.  Jesus and I love you. 

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