Saturday, May 29, 2010

Whatever happened...

to Saturday morning cartoons?  They are nothing like they were when I was young!  Now they have Saved By The Bell (I cannot believe they are STILL airing that show!), That's So Raven, and all the other not-so-new ones that they show on the Disney channel. 

I was the first one up in the house.  I did get to watch a few minutes of TLC's The Little Couple, but then Drew came downstairs.  And you want to know what we're watching?


I didn't even know my kids knew what this movie was!  Yet somehow Graham and Drew did.  And they're all sitting here in the family room glued to the television as this movie ends. 

Even Jonah.  I kid you not.  Will wonders never cease?

We had a great day yesterday.  Everyday that you start off with a visit to the chiropractor and message table is a great day.  My kids love those tables, and even though they always say they don't want to lay still for 10 minutes, they love every single second.  We swam with my friend that I talked about on here the other day, then came home and had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. 

I know, it's weird, but we were all craving them.  What can I say? 

The boys wanted to swim again after dinner, so we went to the neighbor's and they swam until 8:00.  Which they thought was really cool.  Today we're probably doing more of the same, then we'll go eat with Nana and Big Daddy!  Woohoo!  I love when we have dinner at their house.  Bill always fixes something really yummy. 

I love home cooking.  Especially when I don't cook it.  :)

Not that I mind cooking, but it's so nice to have someone else worry about dinner! 

I love that we get to enjoy being together all weekend...I love 3 day weekends!  It's nice to not HAVE to do anything.  And I love our time together. 

Well, that's all I've got for now.  Enjoy the time you get to spend with your families this weekend!  Love to all.


  1. I love tht picture of the boys at the top!! Theay are so darn cute!! Sounds like ya'll are having a good summer so far!

  2. I just love your blog! I love the background too! Just wanted to say hi...those boys are too cute! I came across a pic taken at Hot Springs with Charles, Todd, Zachary, Graham and Drew. Remember when they were climbing the rocks? (Insert heart attack here!) Anyway...the boys were so little! I can't believe how they have grown! Love you!

  3. Thanks, ladies! Kim, it is going great so far...late nights and mornings, days at the pool, lots of favorite time of year! Rene, I do remember that!!! And Zachary falling down the hill and into the lake!!! LOL! Good times we've had, my friend! I have that same pic, by the way! Love you both, sweets!!!


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