Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happenings At Our House

 Baseball.  Lots and lots and lots of baseball.

Tornado sirens, texts from a very concerned friend, and phone calls from family members that scare the daylights out of me.

Sleepovers in my room while the Daddy is out helping people.

An awesome friend here to keep me company through the storms!!!  Not just an awesome friend...my best friend ever from my teenage years.  And her sweet kids.  :)

Election day stuff.  Lots and lots and lots of election day stuff.

Cereal for dinner.  And sandwiches.  And McDonald's last night...thank you, Nanny!!

Middle school information...meetings, paperwork, second guessing...ya know. 

Movies.  I love movies.  When they work.  From Netflix, I mean.

When the movie didn't work, Todd and I sat and listened to Alan Jackson sing hymns. 

Church.  Praise and worship.  Good stuff.

Devotions with the kids--and searching for a new yearly one, since we just finished the one Pappaw and Grandma Sandy gave us. 

Moments of extreme thankfulness.

Moments of intense prayer.

Moments of grateful praise. 

Digging through the OPI addiction box, as I've now titled it, searching for the perfect color for a friend--and then her leaving it here.  :(

Soccer at the kids' school at night. 

Laughter over sillyness and clumsiness.

Watching in wonder, as Jonah beats all his brothers at soccer.

Watching them all race to see who's fastest.  And discovering that it's Noah who's the fastest, then Jonah.  And not knowing between Graham and Drew because they were too tired to run anymore.

Then laughing because Daddy is THE FASTEST EVER.

(((He's my hero.)))

Having fun with my Mom when she came over to keep me company yesterday afternoon.  Thankful for having her in my life. 

Enjoying the surprise of a really sweet class bringing me flowers at school yesterday.  :)  From the class of a really sweet friend.

Moments of peacefulness at home--enjoying my quiet time and thankful for it! 

Gladness--at my life and where we are at this moment in time.  Proud of my husband and his work ethic, and proud of my kids for doing so well in everything.  All A's and B's in school, all year, every year since kindergarten.  Proud of how good Jonah and Noah are reading.  Proud of Drew for going outside of his comfort zone and sitting beside a boy at school who doesn't have friends---then watching him make that his new, daily habit.  Proud of Graham for his display of his faith at school. 

Proud of my sweet Noah, who's amazing teacher awarded him the Citizenship Award.  :) 

God has richly blessed me.  Not in the monetary way, but in the blessings way.  We have a Savior who does just that...saves us from this world and ourselves...and He loves us.  We have our health.  We have a roof over our head, cars in our driveway, food in the refrigerator.  We are blessed.  We have His love in our hearts, and I pray we never take one day for granted. 

My cup overflows with blessings.  Psalm 23:5

1 comment:

  1. I love being a part of your wonderful life. You all make my life wonderful!! Bunches of love!!!!!


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