Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is It May 21st Yet?


Sense my frustration?  It's been a really long week.  And not a really great one.  I remember this time last year--I started hating my job.  And didn't think I would go back the following year. 

But then I forgot. 

And now, here I am again.  People [the shorter variety of them] go nuts this time of year.  The weather is warm, teachers let up on the homework, recess gets lengthened, the days get longer [sunshine, I mean], TCAP's are over, and the countdown is on.

Normally well-behaved kids start doing really weird, crazy, strange [rude, mean, and disrespectful is what I really mean] things. 


I seriously almost cried yesterday.  I wear my heart right on my sleeve, and when something bad happens, I take it personally. 

But then a really sweet friend of mine came up to me as she was finishing lunch with her daughter and said some really sweet words and gave me the most perfectly timed hug I have ever needed. 

It was so sweet that I almost cried.  Again. 

God's love is like that.  And sometimes when we really need to experience His love in a tangible way, He sends someone our way.  Just like yesterday.  I didn't really think that at the moment, it kinda hit me this morning.  But He's like that, ya know? 

Yesterday when we were having our devotion in the car, I talked about Matthew 6:26.  I'll write it out:

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

If He cares enough about the birds in the sky, how much more is His love for us???

I am praying for a better day.  My poor hubby and mom.  They both had to listen to me vent--but I'm glad they were there for me to let it all out on.  It helps getting to do just that.

Well, here's to a better day--it is Wednesday, after all, which means halfway to Friday!!  Love to all. 

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