Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello Again!

Wow.  9 days?  Really?  I've been strangely silent.  It's sure not because I haven't had anything to say!  I think it's the busyness that is our life right now.  I love this time of year, but a couple weeks into it, I remember how crazy it is.  Lucky for me, my kids don't mind cereal for dinner.  Several times a week. 

We are almost done with school!  There are only 19 days left, and I [we, I should say] are ecstatic!!!  Jonah asked me last night, "Mom, are we done with school yet?"  I so wish I could have told him yes!  I'm always sad to leave their teachers behind...especially all the amazing ones we've had this year...but it's full steam ahead. 

Jonah and Noah are doing so great at coach pitch.  They both got in a couple hits last week, and by the look on their faces [especially Jonah's!], they were having a blast.  Graham and Drew are doing really good as well.  During practice, they've [not Graham and Drew, but the team as a whole] looked like the Bad News Bears, but during a scrimmage last week, they did really good.  Surprise!

I really do love this time of year.  Including the cereal for dinner!  Today I'm planning on actually cooking for my family--since I haven't in a while.  I mean, not in the 'real meal' kind of way.  Tonight, I'm going to do just that, though.  Especially since it looks like the game is going to be rained out tonight.  :(  Jonah's and Noah's game, I mean.  They better plan on scheduling some makeup games!

It was really nice to have an excuse to stay home and inside all day Saturday.  Except for the part when my cat, Sambo, woke me up crying.  Yes, I said 'crying'.  He is terrified of thunderstorms, and he was in the kitchen.  He hates to see the lightning--so I opened up the door to our tornado closet, and in he went!  And proceeded to stay there for the next hour and a half! 

It's really pitiful, I tell you.  And adorable. 

It was a really good weekend, though.  Friday night we stayed in because of the weather.  Graham had a friend come over and he stayed until lunchtime on Saturday.  The boys did get to play outside in between bouts of rain.  We went to my mom's for dinner, then came home and watched The Blind Side with the boys. 

Yesterday was church all day--Graham and Drew went home with a friend and Jonah and Noah had a friend over. 

Good times.  And now, here we are at Monday again!  That's okay, though, because I think after today there are 3 of these left.  Not that I'm really counting down.  Oh...but wait.  Yes, I am!! 

It's going to be another busy week--looks like tonight we'll be home, tomorrow night is open house at the middle school [YIKES!!!], Wednesday is church, Thursday night is practice and a scrimmage for Graham and Drew and then the weekend!! 

It's going to be a great week--I am claiming that now!  Last week was really good, as well. 

Well, I need to get off of here now--it's time to get everyone dressed and out the door.  I hope you all have a great day!  Love to all.

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