Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Drew!

I thought I would share some fun things about my sweet Drew. 


He  loves to make us laugh~that is his goal and he strives to meet it daily.

He loves animals~especially Andy.

He has a really tender heart~I once heard him crying and when I came in to the living room to see why, I saw that animal cruelty commercial that has the song, "In the Arms of Angels". 

He is super smart~his brain for math is just like Todd's and it amazes me.

He hates to read fiction, but loves to read non~fiction.  His current favorite books are about Alcatraz, Al Capone and World War II. 

He hasn't gotten in trouble for talking at school when he wasn't supposed to since the first grade when he had the same teacher that Jonah now has.

He is super tough and doesn't cry often~when he does cry, you know he is seriously in pain. 

He once got burned by a sparkler~he stepped on it outside and had a second degree burn.

He once got electrocuted by sticking a Hershey's kiss wrapper into his Mimi's cigarette lighter in her car. 

He is hilarious without even trying.

He loves to sing and has a great voice, but you will NEVER catch him with a microphone in his hand.  Much unlike his older brother, who doesn't have a shy bone in his body. 

He loves to draw and do origami.  He once researched how to do origami, and he now has a box full of creations.  He did the same with the drawing~he has notebooks and journals full of drawings.

He can rock a baseball field. 

And a dance floor~although, again, you won't ever see it.  He knows how to shake what his mama gave him, ya know what I'm sayin'?  Our favorite thing to do is dance to movie credits.  Madagascar was the best.

He loves girls.  LOVES LOVES LOVES THEM.  He's never not liked them~in fact, none of them have, but Drew's the one who's girl crazy.  His current fave is Katie from American Idol, although he also loves Miranda Cosgrove.  He said she was "spicy".  Instead of "hot".  His best friend ever was a girl from first grade named Mary Kaitlyn.  He always wanted her to come spend the night.

He is a movie buff.  He loves them all, but he has never loved a movie more than The Incredibles. 

He's read all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, at least twice each.

He's a joy to be around~I hope you all get to see these sides of him. 

Drew, if you're reading this, I love you and happy, happy, happy birthday!!!

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