Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What were they/was I thinking...

when the doctor's office asked me if I ever tired of filling out all the paperwork for my kids?  Um, no.  I enjoy it. 

when Graham asked me, "Can I wear shorts?  It's getting up to 45 today."?

when they left the house looking like THAT?!

when I thought keeping my sanity with 4 boys would be easy?

when I actually thought, "Hmph.  I'll never have to face THAT."?

when I told the boys they could invite 4 or 5 friends for a sleepover?  Each???

when I turned down the chance for a 1 week cruise alone with my hubby? 

when she said WHAT?!?!?!

Just thought I'd ask. 


  1. You are so funny...but I have to ask...what WERE you thinking when you gave up a week cruise with your husband? Are you mad woman? Just kidding! Sarah wears shorts EVERY day at home - regardless of the weather outside. She knows she has to change if we go anywhere - you just pick your battles you know? The day it snowed (the last BIG one) -- Charles took me to work and Josh left the house with a wet head and shorts and a long sleeve shirt....and Charles took them all to Yums to eat. The girls had no coats...but hey - -everyone survived! Love ya!

  2. HA! I know. It would have been for our 10 year anniversary. Do you ever just get a bad feeling about something? I just had that feeling that we shouldn't go. We might never know why. That's funny about their clothes~good thing they're tough, huh?!


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