Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello, Spring!

Well.  I hope so, anyway.  I am counting down the days until we are out for spring break.  I'm praying the weather is just as lovely as it is today.  Dear Lord, let it be!!  We need some outdoors time desperately!

Today is a gorgeous Monday here in the Ville.  I thought the kiddos would be restless {and I hope I'm not jinxing myself here}, but they were nice. 

They all came into the cafeteria out of breath and red~faced.  A couple of them complained about how HOT it was outside.  Girls, of course.  ;)

I am longing for summer, peeps.  And baseball!  I truly am.  I cannot wait for those long summer nights {sounds like a song!} when we sit outside and watch the boys play ball.  Or when we hang out with the neighbors while being entertained by who has the best jump off the diving board.  Or when we have no set routine, no set schedule.  Sounds like Heaven.

Unfortunately, before all THAT comes, we have to finish out the school year.  The last couple of months can be the roughest.  Tcaps, not as many breaks, lost interest over work, am I speaking anyone's language?

This weather makes me reminiscent. 

Does it you?

Love to all. 

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