Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello Again!

How I've missed you.

Oh, wait.  It was Spring break.  And I was busy hanging out with the most awesome of awesome boys EVER.  So, nevermind.  I really didn't miss you.  I was too busy having fun!

***Insert happy, contented sigh here.***

It's been an ahhhhhhmaaaaazing week.  Seriously.  We started our week in Spring Hill, visiting some fantabulous people there~aka "The Nashville Goodwin's".  The boys played and laughed and played some more.  It was great.  And I got to catch up with my sweet sister in law, Tracy.  It's really sad that we never really get the chance to catch up.  She's busy with her 2 boys and homeschooling, and I'm busy with my 4 and running myself ragged.

I know.  Adorable~ness.

BUT, isn't it always wonderful to just pick right back up where you left off?

That's the way it is with her and me.  We just click when we're together, and we may go months without talking on the phone, but then it's like we never were apart when we're together again.  I love how that happens.

Needless to say, we're caught up good now.  We had lots and lots of time to talk while all the boys played, and we got to drink some really yummy coffee at the same time.  :-)  So yummy, in fact, that I went and bought a bag of the same kind.

We came back home on Tuesday, and the boys all spent the night with some friends.  Of the same family, it just so happens.  My wonderful {crazy???} friend, Marcia, took them all for the night.

Todd and I went out to eat, grabbed some coffee, then went to a movie.  The coffee was so~so, and the movie choice was...well, I'll just say "interesting".

We should have gone to see the other one we wanted to see.  Oh, well.  At least it didn't cost us anything.  The tickets were free! 

Wednesday I picked up the boys and we went to my Dad's.  We ate hot dogs outside, and the boys drove the John Deere.  Oh happy day!  That is their most favorite thing EVER.  Ever, ever, ever, ever.  Give them a tractor, some land, and maybe a few horses, and they're good to go!   

These are the horses that live next door to my Dad.  Graham took these pictures.  Aren't they pretty?  The horses, I mean.  Although, I guess the pictures could be, too.  The horses let them feed and pet them forever.  The one that Jonah is petting is "his", he said.

Anyway, back to our glorious week off.

Thursday we stayed home.  For a much needed rest.  They all slept late and they had fun at home playing in the backyard.  It was nice.  And I got caught up on laundry and house stuff.  You know.  The fun stuff.

Friday dawned bright and early and we went to the zoo with Nana and Big Daddy.  Along with everyone else in Memphis.  It was the perfect zoo day.  It really was. 

I know, I know.  Aren't we precious???  He was the only one who wanted to walk along the Teton Trek with Big Daddy and me.  The other ones stayed with Nana and played hide and seek.  And she sat by the fire, warming her back.  :-)

I love this one of my sweet Noah.  He's looking at his brother, the monkey.  Because you know I think he is one.  

This would be Jonah's all time favorite exhibit ever at the zoo.  The Northwest Passage.  I He could sit for hours and enjoy the loveliness of the sea lions' pool.  And yes, we know them all by name.  Andre is the boy and the biggest {600 lbs}, Callie, Skimmer and Chloe are all the girls.  I think Skimmer is the oldest {like as in 23 years old} and Chloe is the baby.  

And yes, we've been known to play "sea lions" in the pool.  Jonah is always Skimmer, but he's a boy Skimmer.  

He even bought a stuffed one yesterday.  Wanna see??

And Noah bought a timberwolf.  Named Snowball.  

Drew bought a water bottle.

Graham bought a necklace with a bear claw.  Sorry, no picture.  But I'll give you another one of him.

He really needs his own straw hat.  Isn't he cute?!

Noah was taking advantage of Big Daddy's lap behind him.  Imagine that.  

This is my beautiful mom.  Isn't she?!?!  We loved that she came along with us.

We love them.  As in Nana and Big Daddy.  I'm loving the fact that my Mom is retired now so she can enjoy this all with us.  Not sure if SHE feels that way, but I sure do enjoy it!!  Lol. 

We all crashed last night.  Todd, Graham and Drew worked at our friends' campaign headquarters last night making frames for signs and painting them.  See Graham's shirt above???  GO DALE!!!

I personally fell asleep and didn't move until 7:30 a.m. and THAT was to poke at Todd telling him to shut off his alarm. 

It was lovely.  And a little unusual nowadays, but lovely all the same.

Today Jonah, Noah and I stayed home again {they played, I organized!!!}, and we ended the night at my Mom's.  Yummy dinner that I didn't have to cook!  Woohoo!

It's been a fantabulous week.  I am ready for school/work to start again and am equipped to handle the rest of the year!  43 days and we are DONE!!! 

And so am I.  With this post, that is.  Love to all.  I hope you get to experience some Jesus tomorrow.  I know I will!   

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