Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HaPpY bIrThDaY jOnAh & NoAh

I can't believe my "babies" are 7 years old today!  

I thought I would share a little bit about them and the things that make them fun.

Jonah has been passionate since the day he was born and still is.  He obsesses over things~fire trucks, sheriff's department get the drift.

Noah has been a climber since he learned how at 10 months of age.  First object to climb over: the baby gate at the bottom of our stairs.  Next thing: out of his crib and into Jonah's for some cuddle time.

Jonah told me when he was 4 years old that he didn't want to be "twins" anymore.  

Noah asked me a year later if they would be twins forever.

Lately they've obsessed over dressing up as "twins" again.  And it makes my heart so happy!

They love school and they love to hang out with their friends.

Jonah doesn't like toys that much~he tends to go electronic.  He HATES movies and tv shows.  Call him antsy or whatever, the child despises sitting still for anything longer than 30 minutes.

Noah loves all things superhero.  He hates having all of his toys upstairs and often brings them downstairs to enjoy with the fam.  

They love to sing and dance.

Jonah loves to sing and has a good voice.

Noah loves to breakdance and is becoming quite good.

Jonah hates being in front of a crowd and is shy.

Noah asked me at my stepbrother's reception this: "Mom, do you think I should show them all my moves?"  And proceeded to do just that~with people gathered around him, cheering him on.

They love animals.  

They still love stuffed animals and sleep with so many every night that I can hardly find them.  I know, I know, Mom.  I'm getting paid back from when I did that.

They love each other desperately and are the best of friends.  They can be with a room full of kids their age and they still prefer to play with each other.  :)

We are blessed to have them in our lives~I feel sorry for people that don't get to experience the fun of having twins.  They are still so different than single kids~I love how close they are and the bond that they have.  

Happy birthday to my sweet "babies", Jonah and Noah!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to my sweet nephews! I love you both so much! I will be sending them a goodie when I climb out of all the testing that my kids are doing this week and plus work! It's been crazy...if you know what I mean! Love and hugs,
    Aunt DD


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