Thursday, March 11, 2010

HaPpY bIrThDaY gRaHaM!

I will never forget the moment I first looked into Graham's beautiful blue eyes.  I fell in love with him immediately.  Some magazines I'd read warned that this emotion might take a while, but it was opposite for me.  They placed him in my arms and I thought, "So THIS is what my mom was talking about." 

The poor child couldn't even sleep peacefully in his own bed~my arms would long to hold him, so I'd scoop him up and hold him while he slept. 

These days, he's too much to hold.  It's sad how that happens without you realizing it. 

I thought I would share some about him, like I did with Jonah and Noah yesterday.

He loves creative arts.  He loves all the singing that he gets to do in church, and during Christmas we found out he can dance.  His class at school gave us a musical performance and when they did a quick step dance, turns out most of the kids were looking at Graham to guide them.

He is borderline genius.  Seriously.  I have the paperwork from his IEP meeting at school to prove it, and I'm pretty sure his IQ is higher than mine.  When he actually "tries" with his school work, he's been known to make all 100's.  When he just does the work without applying himself, it's B's. 

He LOVES to read.  It's like candy to him.  He's been known to start a 300 page book one day and finish it the next. 

When he was in first grade, he read a series of books we have on all the presidents.  There were probably 20 in the series and he read them all within a couple weeks.  I asked why he picked those and he said just because he wanted to.  Which made his pappaw very proud.

He loves sports~any and all and is good at all of them.  {I used to hate kids like that.}  His favorite is baseball, then football, then basketball.  Those are his words, not mine.

He can rollerblade really good.

He loves to read his Bible.

He doesn't like movies, except for in the theatres. 

He prefers adults over kids and he LOVES older people!

His favorite breakfast food is orange rolls. 

His favorite dinner is roast beef sandwiches with au jus. 

Sometimes when he prays I cry because it's so amazing to me that a kid can pray like that.  He reduces adults to tears too.  I'm glad to know it's not just me being emotional!

We are blessed to have him in our lives~he's a very responsible, kind young man.  I couldn't be more proud of a son than I am him. 

Thanks for taking the time to read about my sweet Graham.


  1. Happy Birthday to Graham.....this week hit's you hard girl! I will have to catch up certainly on my Birthday cards this weekend! whew!
    tell them I love them!!

  2. Happy Birthday to Graham.....this week hit's you hard girl! I will have to catch up certainly on my Birthday cards this weekend! whew!
    tell them I love them!!


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