Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weird Question

Can I ask you a weird question?  And if I ask this question, would you PLEASE leave some love for me and comment?

Because you don't anymore, ya know.  

Seriously, peeps.  Comment, please.  It takes just a second and it's just considered good blogging manners.  I try to leave even a short line on the blogs I read.  Just so ya know what my expectations are.  Please?

Okay, back to my weird question that I am praying you'll answer through the comments box below.

If you were to read something that I wrote~what would it be?  

You know how I write about family, life, my faith, and just craziness in general~but if it were in a different form~say of the book variety, what would it be that you would like to read?

I can't tell you why I'm asking.  

Maybe I will someday soon, but for now it's between me and God.

All I will say is that some doors are opening up, and I'm feeling God lead me through.  

So will you leave me your thoughts?

Thank you and may the Lord shine His face upon you today, on this gloriously beautiful day.  Love to all.


  1. well -- considering sometimes I think we live in a parallel universe, I like to read about what is going on in your life...especially "Drew Stories" since they relate to much to my Josh! Love you!

  2. Well I guess if I had to pick one it would be all of it rolled into one!!!You inspire me with your family,,life,random thoughts,and your faith.All of it really inspires me.So I guess the answer would be"I would read anything you wrote":)

  3. I love you ladies! Thank you for the input!!! I will share more about this later.

    Shea, I'm sorry I missed your call~I was in the middle of handling an injury with Jonah and I was worried he was going to make himself pass out. I'll call you in the morning.

  4. I am like Shea and love everything you write. The very best would be sharing about how you raise 4 boys to be the wonderful kids they are and how your faith in God is what helps you do what you do and even throwing in stuff about the rest of your family, especially your wonderful husband and even the pet stories. You do so good when you just write what is on your heart at that time.

  5. I would love to see you write a story about yourself and how your older sisters pranced you around like a little doll when they were in high school...everytime a date would come and pick us up...they were mesmorized by your blue eyes and curly locks.....I'm just sayin!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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