Tuesday, February 16, 2010

President's Day, Snow & Roller Skating

Yesterday was good.  Great, actually.  Well, except for the part when I wanted to take a nap and couldn't because the kids kept being loud.  

They were out {again!} for President's day.  We cleaned up our {new and somewhat messy} playroom.  We had to because we had new furniture delivered last night.  The furniture that was in here went upstairs to the playroom, hence the cleanup.  

I was going to sell the toys, but the only ones worth selling on Craigslist were the 4 firetrucks that they gave away, and that ended in a really cool story.  After we had lunch at CiCi's, we dropped the stuff off at the Goodwill.  There was a really nice man in there that told us not to leave the trucks, but to take them to a fire station.  He said that they were always looking for firetrucks to decorate with and use around the station.  So, off we went.  

We went to the fire station that would take care of us should we ever need them.  Graham and Drew went into the station and asked if they would like them, but the guy wasn't sure.  They told them to go next door to the training center and ask them.  So we all went over there and they took them.  The lady at the front desk was really nice~she wanted all their names and addresses, and she called the fire chief out to come and meet them.  He came out and shook all their hands and asked if they would like a tour of the station, and of COURSE they all said yes.  

So even though 3 of the boys had seen it all before during a walking field trip there in first grade, we took him up on the offer and went for the tour.  It was really cool~and the guy that led them around was a guy I went to elementary school with.  It was a great day, and I think my dad was as amused as the boys were.  They got to sit in the trucks, on the 4wheelers and in the Kubota's.  It was Heaven to my 4 boys.

I had my camera but I left it in the car and in the midst of all this fun, we were having a blizzard in the Ville.  And it felt like it was 15 degrees and my coat was M.I.A.  It was crazy.

We came home shortly after that and ended the afternoon with a roller skating party with their school.  It was fun.  My dad and I enjoyed watching all the kids skating {and falling}.  My own 4 did pretty good.  Graham and Drew were great and were able to go fast without hanging on.  Graham took his roller blades, but Drew opted for their skates.  Even Jonah and Noah did okay~on the carpet.  They got out on the wood floor a little bit, but after about 30 minutes, they turned in their skates and opted to play with their friends instead. 

We came home, the furniture was delivered, we ate dinner, and Christa came over to watch the Bachelor with me.  Ugh.  Speaking of~stupid Jake.  I'm thinking of protesting the last 2 episodes.  Ha, not really, but still.  Not quite sure what he was thinking.  

It was a great day around here.  What was your day like?  

Well, happy Tuesday to all.  I hope your day is blessed!

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