He's been sick the past couple days. I am praying that the fever doesn't return~so far, so good. Hopefully we can return the world of CES tomorrow. Hopefully. I love him, and I love having quality time with each of the kids. I was thinking today, though, that poor little Noah has NEVER had to stay home because of a sickness.
Isn't that sad?
He's missed because of a vacation, and when he was in kindergarten, on the days that Jonah was sick, I let him stay home with us. Because they're twins. And because at that point in their school career, they were mere babes and could not bear the thought of one not being just right down the hall.
So back to Drew. I've enjoyed the time with him. Yesterday we went to the doctor, then to the library and to Walgreens. We came home, I fixed lunch, and we settled in to watch Kicking and Screaming. After that {and my short little 15 minute power nap}, we played Phase 10. At which point, he kicked my tail.
I love him.
Today was more of the same, but this time I took him to McDonald's for lunch~his choice, not mine. Every time one of the boys gets sick, I let them pick where to eat lunch {if they're up to it}, and if it's Mc'D's {and it usually is}, we always sit at the exact same table. It's in the back and in a corner and we always sit side by side. They love this because since I work at their school, I don't get to eat lunch with them. It's a fun time just to talk if they want to, or eat in companionable silence. Drew and me did the latter today. Well, that and we people watched. And commented on how yummy our burgers and fries tasted.
After lunch we came back home, took some books to a friend's sick daughter, and came home and played Phase 10 again. At which point, I kicked HIS tail.
Revenge sucks.
He wasn't very happy with me, but it was all in fun. And maybe a pout or two. But who's counting??
We went ahead and went to church tonight, and I let the sick one hang out with his Dad and his Papa in the video room. And yes, even though we went, it's been since early morning that he had fever. All day and tonight it was around the 98 degree mark. Even after running around the church tonight, though he was clammy, his temp was 98.6. There is something to be said for that perfect number when you're SO afraid that it has spiked again.
We had choir practice, and once again, Music Man delivered.
The man has a gift for putting together some music, and tonight we got started on Easter. Well, not really, but we got a taste of a song or two. Which is funny, since one of the songs is Taste and See. {As in, "taste and see that the Lord is good!" Psalm 34:8} Wow. It is going to be AHHHHHHMAAAAAZING.
We also practiced this awesome song I posted on FaceBook last week called, "I Am". And yeah, you can just imagine how great it is with that title. If you're my friend on FaceBook, go to profile and try to find it. It's worth the time it takes to listen to it.
So now, the hubs and I are hanging out in the living room {that's almost there, by the way!!!} watching some logging show on the History channel. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it???
I thought about posting an entirely different post tonight about wives and husbands, and maybe I will, eventually. But for tonight I wanted to keep it light hearted. The reason for THAT post is that the Lord really convicted me of the way I used to treat my husband. {And yes, this was without intention on my part.} A friend gave me an audio book that pretty much changed my life. It's called The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, and it's written by Laura Schlessinger. If you think this might interest you, click HERE.
It was seriously life changing, in spite of the ridiculous title. Anyone who reads it and doesn't change the way she acts toward her husband needs to go back and re~read it. And maybe again and again until you just plain GET IT. You can't NOT change after reading that. Todd and I are not at all the perfect couple. We never have been, and we never will be. But there is a reason that we work, and once I share, it will all make sense. Perfect sense.
But anyway. I was thinking about that book, and my hubby and I were talking, and I was inspired to write about marriage.
But not tonight.
Maybe soon, though.
Did I mention that I'm excited about going back to work tomorrow {hopefully!!!!}??? I am. I miss my sweet kids! And all the hugs I get every single day. Ahhhh. I am beside myself with excitement. And I've missed loving on my own sweet kiddos while they eat. I'm thrilled to be able to work for a very understanding lady. She is a mom and she understands that when kids get sick~your world just stops. I wouldn't have it any other way.
So my little tradition with my boys when they're sick has peaked my curiosity about what YOU do with YOUR kids while THEY'RE sick.
Anything special you're dying to share?
Well, even if you're not DYING to share it, please do so anyway. I'm always looking for new, fresh ideas on how to parent.
Until then, I hope you all hug all your loved ones tonight. Love to all of you, in the sweet name of Jesus.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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