Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Marriage, Anyone?

I was reading my friend Rene's blog {click on her name to access her blog} and came across this post from a Womens Marriage Ministry blog.  This is a subject I am fascinated with~I love seeing and hearing about how marriages work, and their dynamics.  This is a video from the Rachel Ray show that talked about women, and marital satisfaction.  It's kind of long, and the sound is a little off, but you can still get the gist of it.  

Leave your thoughts on this video once you're done watching it.  

So?  What do you think?  How does your marriage work?  Do you agree/disagree with this woman?  I think it's refreshing to see and hear about.  And while this definitely seems to work for them, I know it doesn't for everybody.  
I look forward to hearing from you all. 


  1. I LOVE this and I AGREE 100%! I do also agree with the men helping in the house a little more just because right now I'm not home full time, if I were home full time, I would be 100% running the household while Cary ran the financial part of our life. BUT this goes along what I believe and I think it's a great clip!

    Thank you for sharing and I might repost this on my blog, I hope you don't mind :)

  2. It's pretty cool. I participated in a Bible study called Apples of Gold, and it kind of goes along those same values. I liked it, too. I don't mind a bit~feel free!!

  3. Yay, I'm #19! Thanks for the button add. Do you have a button? I looked and couldn't find one, but if you do, I'd love to add ya!

    As far as the followers go, I'm not sure how the initial seventy-something found me...I guess through other blogs as the network goes, but I know giveaways really help me get people coming to my blog. And I do Kelly's Korner's McLinky for Show Us Your Life Friday's, so I think people have found me from there. But, I've also been blogging for almost four years, so you get some followers just by longevity. lol

    Be blessed!

  4. Hey there! Thank you so much for embedding my Rachael Ray video! You are welcome to use any of them anytime. And I love your place here! Keep up the greart work! You are a blessing!


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March Moments

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