Monday, February 22, 2010

Just a Little Word

"May the LORD bless you and protect you.  May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace."

Numbers 6:24~26

I'm writing this and listening to my Travis cd.  Seriously, if you have not bought the Jesus Saves cd yet, RUN DO NOT WALK to the nearest Christian bookstore and snatch it up.  You can not have a bad day when listening to songs that have words like, "Nothing can ever separate us from the love of Jesus!" in them.  These are the words that go through my head everyday.

I'm also trying not to cry anymore, because my sweet friend Marian lost her Pearl this weekend.  Pearl was a 7 year old black lab.  

Hello?  That sounds just like Andy the WonderDog.  

Seriously, tears were pouring out of my eyes as I looked at the picture and read the caption underneath.  It was a quote from Billy Graham about dogs being in Heaven.  

This girl is crazy in love with Jesus, her family and her dogs.  Pearl was one of 4 labs.  

And Todd, if you're reading this, WE ARE NOT GETTING ANOTHER DOG.  

I don't know why I'm still crying.  I can't stop. 

Hormones, maybe?

I hate being so sensitive.  I really do.  I wear my heart right on my sleeve and it's there for anyone to knock into. 

And animals are right up there with kids and old people in my book.  I can't imagine my life without our pets and I literally thank God for them.  They bring such joy to our home and I feel sorry for people that can't have them because of allergies.  

Lord, give Marian strength for this day. My heart aches for my friend.  Bring her peace and joy as she remembers the good times she had with Pearl.  In the sweet name of Jesus.  

Love to all.  If you have pets in your home, love on them today. 

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