Thursday, February 11, 2010

the difference between girls and boys

Doesn't that just sound fascinating???  While I'm sure there are millions of differences, I'm only going to hit a few.  Oh, and I got this idea from a friend that posted something similar on facebook last night.  So Christian, if you're reading this~thank you for the idea.

1.  Girls are okay with sitting really closely together on the couch.  Tonight, for instance, my friend was over, and since we have our tv up in its new lovely home, the best seat in the house is right smack dab in the middle of the couch.  And we were fine with sitting right next to each other.  In fact, at one point, we even linked arms to give them a nice comfy place to rest.

2.  Girls get really excited over each other's lives and victories.  I literally feel like my heart is going to BURST with happiness when something great happens to a friend.  It's like it's me going through it instead of them.  But, I will add here, that THIS is what true friendship is: pure unadulterated joy and not one single ounce of envy or jealousy.  This is the stuff that true girlfriends are made of.

3.  Girls {well, at least the ones I know} love to hug.  I absolutely love showing my emotion to people, and the way I happen to do this is through hugging.  Anybody that ever extends their hand to me usually ends up hugging me.  My mom made me this way, and for this I am thankful.  My husband wasn't like this when we first started dating.  I like to think that I helped him along in this area, and now he is a very affectionate man.  Mmmmmm.  And yes, that is my favorite kind of man.

4.  Girls like to watch "chick flicks" with other girls.  How many times do you ever see 2 guys walking into a movie theatre to see the latest "guy flick"???  And we anticipate this love of chick flicks...and look forward to them all week.  I went to see Dear John last weekend with....da da da  dummmmm...4 girlfriends.  Yup.  And I am not ashamed to admit that at least 2 of us cried together.  Then laughed while we cried.  Ahhhhh.  So refreshing.

5.  Girls are just silly.  And sometimes, it's just fun to be that way.  Without regrets or excuses.  I would love to see my husband acting this way with one of his friends.  Oh, wait.  I think that might have happened when Todd was showing off his new man cave living room with the new surround sound.  Yup, that's what that was.  Well, then, nevermind.

On a more serious note, I love my husband.  I love that he understands that while I'm not at all "girly or frilly" with all these boys running around, I am in much need of some quality girlfriend time.  He encourages me to get out and get that time.  He's very understanding and supportive, and I think it relieves him of the pressure of having to be my "everything".  And while he is, for the most part~I don't want to be unrealistic.  He is my husband, the father of my kids, and my very best friend.  But he's a boy and I'm a girl.  And those differences need to be appreciated.  I happen to do this through spending time with my girlfriends.  

I hope you who are reading this can smile and say, "Mmmmmhmmmmm."  Because there is NOTHING in the world quite like a girlfriend. 

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmhummmmm!! =) I am so so thankful for you, one of my bestest girlfriends EVER!!! you are the BEST and I love you dearly!! =)


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