Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Coming Soon....

My first ever give~away.  You must leave a comment on an upcoming post to win this book. 

Just thought I'd let ya know.

Here's the book if you'd like to read what it's about. 

It's based on one of my favorite books of the Bible~Ruth.

Happy reading!!!


  1. I read one of her books years ago and started the series she did about the lineage of Jesus. I liked them.I love Christian romance novels. My sis-in law started me on Lori Wick years ago.Good luck with your first ever giveaway.How exciting!!

  2. I've never read any of hers. I love Lori Wick, though!!! Have you read Bamboo and Lace? That was one of the best books I've ever read. I have lots of good recommendations for you if you're interested!!! And of course anything that I have on bookshelves that you're interested in, you are more than welcome to borrow!!! I miss you in choir~those are the only times I feel like we ever got to catch up. :( Hope all is well! Love ya!!

  3. Yes I read Bamboo and Lace and loved it!!! I have most of her series.Ilove it when she comes out with a new series.I like Janette Oake,Karen Kingsberry(sp?),Terri Blackstock,Beverly Lewis,and I just discovered Collene Coble.I like her for a little something different(romantic suspence).I would love any new recommendations.I miss getting to catch up at choir too.Too much going on lately;it's getting crazy!!Hope we can catch up soon:)


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March Moments

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