Monday, November 16, 2009

Thankful...Part One

On facebook, I've noticed lots of people are writing on their statuses what they're thankful each day. I have not jumped on that bandwagon, but I thought I'd put some here on the blog. And, let's face it, I can't think of new things when I'm under pressure each day to write something.

So. In case you were interested, here are 30 things that I am thankful for this year. Enjoy. Thirty, because there are 30 days in this wonderful THANKSGIVING month of November.

1. I am thankful that when I leave this earth behind, my REAL life will just be beginning. Travis Cottrell best says it: "No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me! From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny." {In case you're interested, that song is In Christ Alone, and I like Travis' version the bestest.}

2. I am thankful for the riches God has given me. Not in monetary value, but in health for my husband, my precious sons, and myself. The things that truly matter. Matthew 6:19, 20 says it the best: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

3. I am thankful for all the extended family that we have, and the relationships we have with them all. I love that we have "traditions" that we carry out with each set of parents, and I am thankful for all that they are investing in my kids' lives. I had wonderful influences in my life as a young girl, and I'm thankful that each of my kids can say the same.

4. I am thankful that we have the most amazing friends ever. We belong to a church whose members have become our other "family". I am thankful that when I go down to the altar to pray, I am never alone for long. I always have a friend~or two~that come and join me and pray for me. While I cannot pinpoint one BEST friend, I am thankful that I have several. Each one means something different to me, and I love each of them.

5. I am thankful that we have animals in our house! I am NOT thankful for the hair. As silly as it sounds, God has given us some amazing creatures to enjoy, and I love each of our 4. As do the boys. I cannot imagine my life or my house without them. I have two furry companions that follow me to bed each night~Sambo the fat, black cat curls up either at my feet or beside me, and Andy the WonderDog snores faithfully beside me on the floor each night. We also have Twinkles, who loves to play with toys and thinks she's a dog, and Skippy who loves to get sprayed by the shower.

6. I am thankful for a job that I love. It's not always the most pleasant, and it doesn't get much more humbling than carrying trays and pushing a trash can, but it allows me to love others like Jesus loves me. And I do love those kids at that school. I also love that I am able to be with my kids and their friends. And while they may not like that all too soon, for now, they do.

7. I am thankful for my old 'Burban. {Suburban.} I really do love my car. I sometimes think it would be nice to have a nice, new{ER} car, but then I remember that there is not another car that is big enough to haul around us, all our junk, plus Andy in the back. Because y'all know that he does love to take the boys to school with me every single day. And I don't like the newer models as well as the 1999 one that I drive, AND I am so not willing to pay the higher price tag. It's a little piece of Heaven not having a car note.

8. I am thankful for our house. I love my house. It's warm and cozy. And I love it with flowers in the front in the summer, and I love it all decked out for Christmas. I especially love all the sights and sounds that come from the inside.

9. I am thankful that I have a hubby who plans things for us to do. Like this past Friday night, for instance. For no reason other than the fact that he loves me, he completely surprised me with our concert tickets. That, my friends, is L.O.V.E.

10. I am thankful that I have a wonderful book of instruction to live by~in it are parenting principals and guidelines, marriage do's and don't, and other general rules to live by. It's the living, breathing, God~breathed Word that He gave us to enjoy.

11. I am thankful for people that have amazing voices~and the fact that I have their cd's to listen to and enjoy. Currently I am listening to....can you guess it? Travis Cottrell. If you're not familiar with his music, think Josh Groban, but more worshipful.

12. I am thankful for quiet moments like this one. Although I love having my kids underfoot, this quiet is just so nice every once in a while.

13. I am thankful for the school my kids go to. I appreciate the fact that they are constantly doing EVERYTHING THEY CAN to ensure that my kids are kept perfectly safe in their environment. I am also thankful that they are so on top of their education. There are lots and lots of ways that I can easily access their grades and talk to their teachers almost instantaneously.

14. And, speaking of their teachers, I am thankful for them. We've never had a "bad" one. I love that these amazing women instill the love of learning into my kids. I love that they're encouraged on a daily basis {by someone other than me} and that they are pushed to their limits. My boys love school, and I give their teachers the credit.

15. I am thankful for sunshiney days. As I write this, it's raining. And while it's kinda nice~because I have Christmas music playing softly in the background~I sure do miss seeing the beautiful sunshine. We've had a great unseasonably warm fall, with nothing but blue skies for the past 2 weeks, and my kids have LOVED playing outside everyday until past dark. Getting them inside on nights like that is near impossible, but I would not have it any other way.

Stay tuned for Part 2.


  1. I'm feeling really guilty because I cannot stop long enough to be thankful...can I get an amen. I am ...but I haven't even had time to blog. Whahhhhh. Can't wait to come home next week.


  2. What a beautiful and inspiring Thankful list... Great post. Many Blessings,

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