Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Moment In Time...

Today was one of those magical days where young meets old, black meets white.

My precious boys made posters to hold up as the veterans passed by in today's Veteran's Day parade in Downtown Memphis.

I got to witness something beautiful today. Lives were touched as Vets rode, walked or drove by and saw the crowd of well~wishers. My boys had the privilege of being a special part of this.

Our day ended with an amazing conversation about the Military and what each branch was known for. They all agreed in the fact that their Pappaw was quite possibly, one of the coolest men they'll ever meet.

I would have to agree, wholeheartedly.

I love the picture of him shaking the hand of a fellow Korean War Hero.

Thank you, Daddy, for serving your country, and for being the greatest Dad ever. We love you.

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